ii. 3. shadyside's curse

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CARMEN walked into Cabin ten in search of Max

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CARMEN walked into Cabin ten in search of Max. There, she found the older Caswell sporting what seemed to be a migraine while cursing under his breath.

"Are the kids being a pain?" she mocked as Max nodded.

"I had no idea being a counselor was this hard, these shit heads won't stop running around the place" Max muttered staring blankly at the ceiling. It reminded Carmen as if his soul had been sucked out by the mini-devils. He propped himself up narrowing his eyes at the mischievous girl.  "What have you been up to--and don't tell me you're in trouble because you know I'd hate to do something about it" he added sarcastically.

"Kurt wanted me to tell you that I did indeed get myself into trouble—but don't worry, I'm not getting kicked out or anything" she reassured. Max turned to face the younger Caswell, running his fingers through his dark curls and sighed.

"Next time—please get us kicked out so I can leave this hell hole. . . anyways, what did you do?"

Carmen grinned triumphantly. "Planted worms in Sheila's bed" which sported a laugh from the older brother. "And then proceeded to get caught with Ziggy Berman" she smiled faintly.

"Cindy's sister?"

"That's the one." Max propped himself up before laughing.

"I wonder which one of you are worse. Now scram". Carmen smiled, as he wouldn't want to know. Leaving the cabin, she searched for the red-headed girl who she found angrily walking away from her older sister.

"Ziggy—are you okay?" the brunette asked. The blue-eyed girl frowned as she pulled the girl to the side.

"I'm not sure if you know about Nurse Lane, but I think someone said something to her about her daughter. But of course Ms. perfect thinks that I'm the bigger problem. As if I'm the one stopping her from getting out of here," she whispered angrily. Carmen could see how much Nurse Lane meant to the girl.

"I'm sure she's just having an off day. We all have them. If you want we can always check on her later" she reasoned. As the two walked towards the arts and crafts cabin, Ziggy continued.

"That's not all of it though, Nurse Lane, she's a wonderful person, but bad things happen in Shadyside. It's like a curse just pressing us all down making sure that none of us truly end up happy. And no one ever leaves here either". Ziggy's face showed seriousness. Carmen raised her brows unaware of the situation.

As Carmen pushed the cabin door, she questioned. "That stuff isn't real though. . . is it?" she asked. Ziggy sighed running her fingers through her red hair.

"I know it sounds crazy but there's something in Shadyside. Nurse Lane knows it too. Her daughter, Ruby Lane, ended up killing eight people including herself. Everyone thought she just snapped but I don't buy it. Maybe there is a witch or a curse. These things happen all the time. There's no way that people are just snapping. I know I sound crazy—but there has to be something. The witch has to be real." The redhead dropped her voice into a whisper while leaning into towards the counter. "Nurse Lane, she, she had a notebook in her office. It was filled with stuff about the witch. It had weird markings and newspaper clippings. I know I sound delusional but- "

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