ii.7. the nightwing killer

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Panic filled the air as a sea of red and blue scrambled into the mess hall. Outside, the night became increasingly darker. As Garry frantically ran the bell, Carmen and Ziggy ran hand in hand. Inside, the brunette realized that they were missing a whole lot of Shadysiders.

"Five, seven, eight, ten . . ." Nick counted. Carmen and Ziggy looked to see the last of the campers run inside.

"Shit, there's still some kids out there," Ziggy whispered worryingly. Carmen gave her hand a tight squeeze.

"Fifteen, eighteen . . ."

"Nick—we're missing a lot of Shadysiders," Ziggy called out as Nick and Gary shared a look of fear. At once, the lights went out causing the young kids to scream in terror.

"Everyone stay calm, everything's all right!" Nick yelled trying to calm the crying children. Carmen laughed sarcastically, everything was definitely NOT all right. In the dark, Ziggy and Carmen pushed their way up to the front towards the two counselors. Nick paced around.

"How many?" Garry referenced the missing kids.


"That's at least 30 missing," Garry mumbled as Carmen stepped in front of him.

"Hello—At least—At least? We have to do something," Carmen explained. "Where the fuck is everyone? The counselors, where the hell are they?" Nick nodded his head in agreement.

"She's right, where's Cindy, Kurt and Joan?" Nick added making his way to the telephone. Garry looked confused.

"I-I don't know. I haven't seen them, or Tommy, or anyone . . ." He trailed off as Carmen looked to the two boys in fear.

"Shit—Max is still out there".

As Nick began dialing the telephone, the young Caswell made her way to the nearest table which had a flashlight. As a young boy cried out, "the lights are coming on!" Carmen gave him a small smile. Noticing that Gary placed his walkie-talkie on the table, she grabbed it.

"Max—hello? Hello? Max!" Carmen yelled but she was met with static. Slamming the walk-in-talkie on the table she groaned in frustration.

"Shit, maybe they're looking for us?" Garry innocently added towards Nick's frustration. He also slammed the telephone onto the wall. Carmen furrowed her brows.

"No, Garry, they aren't looking for us. Max, Cindy, Alice, Tommy and Arnie are out there and we need to find them." Carmen demanded. Sticking his walkie-talkie into her pocket, she held the flashlight in her other hand. Garry gave her a look of confusion.

Despite her "confidence", Carmen was secretly filled with fear. In her head, it was a replay of Jeremy's lifeless body.

"We have to go, we have to warn people," Ziggy added but Garry blocked her path.

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