ii.10. nothing will pull us apart

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"WHAT . . . IS THAT?"

"Sarah Fier's lost hand."

The four girls stared at the witch's hand as Carmen scrunched her nose in disgust. "Nurse Lane, spent her entire life looking for this. A way to stop the curse that took her daughter," Cindy whispered as Ziggy and Carmen looked to each other. Alice pushed the journal forward.

"Without her hand, her grip on the land holds firm. The curse will last until body and hand unite. This led us to the hand bone, and if the legend is true, her body still buried"

"By the hanging tree," Carmen answered studying the map. Cindy looked up as Carmen cursed. "Shit, so we have to put her back together, to—"

"To end the curse. W-we can end this," Cindy answered as Alice gave a nod. "No more murders, no more curse. No more . . . pain . . .  We can save Shadyside." Ziggy dragged the skeleton hand over. Resting her's on top, her nose began to bleed.

Carmen raised her brows, calling Ziggy's name who ignored her. The red-head's blood dripped onto the bone as her body went slack. Ziggy gasped as she was faced with a sequence of red flashes. An angry witch screamed as Carmen quickly grabbed her shoulders.


Ziggy gasped for air touching her bloody nose. "I bled on the hand and . . . I think I just saw her," she mumbled as Cindy's eyes widened.


"Sarah Fier"

Carmen's eyes widened as she quickly began to wipe away at her girlfriend's nose. She furrowed her brows at her now bloody hands. "She was angry" Ziggy answered between breaths. Alice looked to Cindy sternly.

"We have to bury this thing . . . right fucking now," she muttered as Cindy nodded to the three. The two counselors got up as Ziggy looked to Carmen fearfully.

"Carmen, I messed up," she whispered but the brunette shook her head.

"No, you didn't, you're gonna be fine. We're gonna be fine. We're getting out of here remember?" Carmen added unconvincingly attempting to give a charming smile. Ziggy ran her hand through her red waves worryingly. Carmen thumbed her pocket knife before placing it into her girlfriend's hand.

"There's no way we're letting her get to you," Carmen added pulling Ziggy in. She sighed in relief as the two rested their foreheads against each other. "I love you," she added as Ziggy smiled.

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