ii.1. witchy behavior

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IN ALL HONESTY, Carmen Caswell would have never imagined being hung by literal school kids

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IN ALL HONESTY, Carmen Caswell would have never imagined being hung by literal school kids.

And in all honesty, Carmen Caswell quite literally said this to Sheila.

It all started with an innocent prank. After having enough snarky remarks from Sheila, the young Caswell decided it was time to take matter into her own hands. It's not as if Sheila's comments of "Shadyside trash" meant anything to Carmen but moreover, it was annoying. Yes, it was Carmen's first time on the Shadyside "blue" team however she felt this division since childhood.

As a child, Carmen was brought up in Sunnyvale yet she never quite felt herself. She had plenty of friends yet there was a common rivalry between the towns that went beyond friendly. The Sunnyvale girls wore facial expressions of pride and superiority. Sunnyvale was surrounded by wealth--the only reason Carmen ever lived there was because of her father. And for that reason, Carmen was now living in Shadyside with her tired mother, and older brother Max.

Slowly walking into the Sunnyvale cabins, Carmen carefully tiptoed across the room to get to Sheila's bed which was neatly made covered in a soft pink covered. The brown-haired girl smirked before pulling the covers and dumping a handful of worms. All was going according to plan before a thump at the door occurred.


Carmen dropped to the floor muttering a soft grunt. Flat on her stomach, she peeked from out under the bed to see a red-headed girl creeping around to Sheila's bed. Dressed in a striped top and brown shorts the girl looked around ensuring no sunnyvalers were in the cabin, and then dove into Sheila's bag rummaging for something. The red-headed girl focused on the small bag, her brows furrowed as a deep blush flustered in her cheeks-which were littered with faint freckles. It was only a matter of seconds until the red head's gaze traveled from the bag, to the worms, to Carmen.

"Shit-- what are you doing here?" She cautiously asked. Carmen slowly stood up from the bed.

"I should be asking you what you're doing here as I was the first one in here," Carmen defended. "And for your information I was doing something important unlike you who I'm guessing is looking for cash" she mentioned eyeing the ten dollars in the red head's hand. The girl blushed before crossing her arms and smirking.

"Like what?" the ginger asked. Now it was Carmen's turn to smirk. Pulling up the covers, the brown haired girl revealed the pile of worms. Satisfied Carmen walked towards the girl and shook her hand.

"You must be Ziggy Berman?" Carmen guessed based on the amount of times camp councilor Cindy Berman scolded her younger sister for her behavior—which didn't bother Carmen at all.

"I'm guessing you knew that from my sister?" Ziggy asked smiling towards the brunette who shook her head in reply. Shaking hands the brunette answered.

"I'm Carmen Caswell by the way" she replied. Ziggy smirked at the mention of Carmen which could only mean one thing—she found the name Carmen amusing. Carmen rolled her eyes before pushing the cabin's screen door. "Before you laugh at me just know that my mother was going to either name me Carmen or Beatrice no on between."

| CHAOS | 1994 n. goode | 1978  z.berman |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora