i.5. the bitch seemed normal!

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AFTER SAVING SIMON—the group gathered at Deena's house shocked by what just occurred

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AFTER SAVING SIMON—the group gathered at Deena's house shocked by what just occurred. Puzzled, Sam paced around the living room.

"It doesn't make sense, bullets didn't stop her," she detailed slumping onto the couch. Kate crossed her arms, hopelessly noting that it was an "amazing observation". Simon paced between locking the door and closing the curtains while Andy sat on the floor leaning onto Nick. Deena wore the same perplexed expression as Simon, as tension filled the small room.

"Who the hell was that!" Deena frightengly asked the blond who was unable to answer.

"How the hell should I know?" Simon yelled. "She-she was hot-- I don't know!" he stuttered. "The bitch seemed normal!" he justified. Andy palmed her face in astonishment.

"Yeah, well I hate to break it to you, but normal bitches don't bleed black fucking blood!" Andy argued from her spot.

"Well she was hot and normal" Simon stammered, "until she attacked me with a fucking razor blade!"

Josh sat in the chair analyzing the situation. While he had been quiet, he looked towards Simon. "Wait, a razor?" he asked furrowing his brows. Simon looked confused shaking his head which was still splattered in blood.

"Yeah, for like old-timey shaving or in this case, I guess, slitting her. . ."

"wrists," Josh finished causing Andy's breath to hitch. "She slashed her wrists". The group of older teenagers looked towards him.

So this was it, the legends were true and the dead were after them.

"Was she singing something?" Josh sternly asked knowing something they didn't. "Was she singing a song, like an oldie. . . like an oldie song?"

"Jesus, Rain man, how the fuck do you know that?" Simon questioned. Josh ushered the group down to the basement. As Andy's eyes came into contact with Josh's wall she shuddered. The wall was covered in a large map, newspaper clippings, illustrations, and photographs.

The teenagers gathered at the table as Josh spread the newspaper clippings around them. "This is Ruby Lane," he pointed to an image of a normal-looking girl. "That's who attacked you," he explained as the group leaned over. "She sang as she murdered her boyfriend, her friends, then she killed herself. Slashed her wrists." Deena furrowed her brows at the information. Kate looked at the clipping.

"Jesus, why didn't I see this on the news," she asked.

"Because it happened 30 years ago," he answered. "1965," he finished returning with the rest of the clippings.

"Ruby is one of Shadyside's killers. Just like skull mask. Look, 1978, sixteen years ago." He placed a clipping of the Camp Nightwing Massacre. "Masked psycho murders kids at Camp Nightwing". Nick leaned over picking up the news article furrowing his brows. In one photo, young kids ran amongst each other. In the next, it showed body bags placed in a line. Andy felt her stomach churn.

| CHAOS | 1994 n. goode | 1978  z.berman |Where stories live. Discover now