Chp.10 - He climbin in yo windows, snatchin' yo bocchan's and random girl's up.

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On our way back from The Undertakers, Me and Sadie sit mad that we couldn't stay with The Undetaker.

"I miss him.." Sadie says.

"I know right.." I say.

"Why would you want to stay with him?" Alyssa says.

"If you saw his eyes you would understand!" Sadie says.

"His eyes are heaven!" i yell.

Ceil sighs as me, Sadie and Alyssa argue over The Undertaker. When we get home i follow Ceil to his study. When we get there, i fell a cloth go over my mouth and Ceil is gone. I felt dizzy and eveything went black.

i wake up next to Ceil covered up in blood, wrapped up the leather and with a cloth over my mouth. I had the same thing...without the blood.

"They're awake" i hear a voice say.

"Bring the Phantomhave brat and the girl over here" another voice say. I see a man that kinda looks like Chaning Tatum. ((It's not the dude that took Ciel the first time!))

The take the cloths over of mouths off and he walks up to me and Ceil.

"Bro..why you to just a poor ghetto girl from Texas...i have no-thing!" i say.

"Oh and you look like Chaning Tatum...with your fine self.." i say smiling.

Chaning (Im calling him that because i don't know his real name) gave me a smile,

"He, you're a funny little girl but im not here for you..i wanted the Phantomhave're just a hostage"

"Oh..great.." i think to myself. "He climbin' in yo windows, snatchin' yo people up, tryin' to rape them." i whisper. (If you don't know where that is from...It's from the Bed Intruder song and I posted the video)

Suddenly i hear screams, and Sebastain opens the door.

"Bassy~!, you came to save me and Ceil!" i say.

"No,i just came here to get young master" Sebastain say.

"What!?!" i yell. Suddenly Chaning puts a gun to my head and puts me around arms around me, now im actually scared, for once.

"One more step and the girl die" Chaning said.

"Sebastain, save me and Jerinique, right now" Ceil says.

"But young lord, if i come closer Miss Holmes gets shot.." Sebastain said.

"Ohh shit just got real" i thought to myself

"Sebastain, i order you to save me and Jerinique, right now,!" Ceil says with his contract mark showing. "Yes, my lord" Sebastain said.

"Shut up!" Chaning said as he pulled the triger, I closes my eye, prepairing to see a light.

I heard a shot and i opened my eyes with Sebastain next to me with the bullet in his hand.

"Sebastain.." i said.

"Why is she alive?" Channing said.

"Are you looking for something?" Sebastain said.

"Permit me to return this to you.". My eyes widen,

"So...this is really a demon's power." i think to myself.

"I shall be taking Miss Holmes and my master back, If you would please remove that filthy arm from Miss Holmes" Sebastain said.

He swift his finger and Chaning's arm got twisted.Sebastain ripped the leather from me and helps me up. I walk over to the chair and Sebastain goes and picks up Ceil like he was a 3 year old.

"Awww" i think to myself.  

"Miss Holmes, can you please close your eyes." Sebastain said.

"Um..yeah.." i said and then i close my eyes. All i hear are steps and screams.

I open my eyes and i was on Sebastain back, "S-Sebastain" I said,

"Miss Holmes, you're awake" Sebastain said.

"Jerinique!" i hear Alyssa and Sadie yells.

"Are you and Ceil ok?" Sadie ask.

"They're both ok.." Sebastain said.

"Can i go to sleep now.." I moan, Sadie and Alyssa smiledat me.

"After dinner you can, Miss Holmes" Sebastain said as we walk into the house 


I'm Simply One Hell Of A Fan-Girl ||Black Butler|| -Book 1- [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now