Chp.3. You are from an anime and oh...thoses are tampons...

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    As Sebastain drags me and Sadie through the manor. I just wanna go home and watch Bleach. Sebastain knocks on the door and he enters.

"What is it Sebastain?" Ceil says.

"I found these girls in the garden, young master" Sebastain says. Ceil looks up and stares at us. Sadie somehow gets free from Sebastain and glomps Ceil. 

" are soo're the cutest, smallest 13 year old EVER,!" Sadie yells while hugging Ceil.

Ceil gets an anime anger mark, "Dont call me small!" "Sebastain get her off of me!"

"Yes, my lord". Sebastain drops me and pulls Sadie off of Ceil. Sebastain pulled both of us to the couch and took my purse.

"Hey, what are you doing?" i yell at Sebastain as he went through me purse.

"im seeing if you have any dangerous weapons that could hurt Master Ceil" he says as looks at it.

He picks up my...bag of lady stuff. Sadie bust of laughing and im sitting there giggeling. Sebastain goes through it and picks up a tampod. I bust out laughing with Sadie.

"What's so funny" Ceil ask. " about to die" Sadie yells.

"What is this?" Sebastain ask.

"Oh you really want to know." i say about to die. I stare at Sadie, who looks like she's about to yell it out. I put my hand over her mouth,

"Sadie..just stop, there's a 13 year old boy in the room" i say still laughing.

"Ceil, closer you ears," I say to him. He sighs and puts his fingers in his ears and I tell Sebastain what's it use for.

Sadie dies from laughing to much and Sebastain puts it back in the bag. Ceil opens his ears and im still laughing my ass off.

"What's so funny?" Ceil ask again.

"It's nothing my lord but what should we do with these two 'things'?" Sebastain said staring at us.

"Hey bro, take a picture, it will last longer" i said smiling.

Sadie wakes up, "Jerinique...." she said.

"What, Sadie?" i ask looking at her.

"Are you going to tell them?" she ask and I go to get my Ipod my purse.

"Tell us, what?" Ceil ask. I really don't know if she got hit or she's just acting stupid today but she blurted out that they couldn't be real and that there anime characters.

"What's anime?" Sebastain ask. "Well..It's hard to explain but you're one!" Sadie yells and i cover her mouth.  


I'm Simply One Hell Of A Fan-Girl ||Black Butler|| -Book 1- [Finished]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz