Chp.8 - Another one...

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"Sebastain..hurry..." i say pushing him out the door. I sigh and went infront of him to the garden, where i see Alyssa getting up.

"Hey..!" i yell to her. I walk to her with Sadie behind me.

"That really hurt" Alyssa says trying to pop her back.

"Really another one," I hear and it's Ceil and Sebastian.

"Sorry..and this is my big sister, Alyssa" i say.

"Hey" Alyssa says to Ceil. Ceil sighs and shakes her hand.

"Im Earl Ceil Phantomhave" Ceil says to Alyssa.

"You're kinda short and young to be an earl...right?" Alyssa said.

Me and Sadie starts to giggle and Ceil gets another anime anger mark.

"Im a not small!!" Ceil yells.

Alyssa gives a smile and Sebastain walks up to her.

"Miss...have you come to return Miss Holmes and Miss Dunmon" Sebastain said smiling.

"Yeah..but i dont know how to get back.." Alyssa says smiling.

" baka.." i say shaking my head. Ceil sighs,

"Ceil...can my big sister stay with us....pleaseee!" i say with a puppy dog face.

"Fine.." Ceil says, i give him a smile and we walk into the house and we see a red-head grim reaper.

"It's Grell!!" Me and Sadie both queal and start jumping up and down.

"Bassy!..I missed you!" Grell yells as he runs to Sebastain.

Suddenly me and Sadie glomps him.

"If you weren't homo..i would date you!!!" Sadie yells.

"I like your engery hun but im just for bassy!" Grell says.

"Oh not ready for this" Alyssa says.


I'm Simply One Hell Of A Fan-Girl ||Black Butler|| -Book 1- [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now