Snap out of it.

I moved closer to his face, challenging him. Two could play at this game. "It did," I declared, "but let's not pretend like you weren't thinking of me while you got yourself off. You liked having me watch you. You came so hard while I watched."

"There's my dirty girl." He chuckled darkly, making the room feel like it was moving. "I forgot how pretty you look when you come undone." He whispered again against my lips.

I sent him a seductive smirk and whispered back, "when you're in bed tonight with a raging hard-on, I want you to think of me."

"I want to kiss you right now." He told me, his face still close to mine.

"Only in your wildest dreams." I said before maneuvering myself from under his hold. I walked back to sit behind my desk. "If that's all, I have work that needs to be done, Mr. Castillo." I turned my attention to my computer and started to respond to emails.

"Yes, ma'am." And with that, he was in the hallway within seconds, and I was left with a pool of unwanted arousal in my underwear.


"Fuck!" I cursed, picking up the glass plate I just dropped.

I had just returned home from picking up takeout from my favorite Korean restaurant down the street from my apartment.

It's become an almost everyday thing that I buy Korean food to mostly be reminded of Lorenzo and the meals he'd teach me to make when we were children.

I remember whenever his father would be out of town on business, he'd invite me over and he'd show me the recipes his mother showed him.

It was always a bonding experience for the both of us. We'd talk, laugh, and flirt while simultaneously not burning any food.

He'd watch me while I made Kimchi and listen to the songs he absolutely despised. We'd share playlists, but I honestly think he never listened to any of the music I'd send him solely because he thought they sucked.

Though his taste in music was the complete opposite of mine, I still think of him whenever a certain song plays on the radio.

Seven years ago

To: Lorenzo Castillo
From: Your Lovebug

My first email to you of many. Today marks one week since you left. I drove past your house earlier hoping I'd find someone there to milk information out of. I didn't. Santi and Soren have been asking around for you. You neglected to tell them, too. You didn't tell anyone you were leaving.

It's only you that's for me, and I miss you so damn much. Why'd you have to go without me? I would've come with you even if I had to run away. Did I do something wrong? Was I not pretty enough for you? Did you find someone better? Did I not mean anything to you? Because you mean the world to me.

Last night, I was looking up at the moon wishing you were next to me helping me name all of the stars. I told myself I wouldn't cry for you because I know you wouldn't want me to. I know you'd say something like, "You're too beautiful to cry over me, Lovebug. I don't deserve your tears." And you'd sure as hell be right.

You don't deserve my longing for you. Too bad I lost that battle while praying to you. I hope you're okay. Is your father treating you well? Do you miss me as much as I miss you? Even though you're gone, it somehow feels like you're still here, lingering around in my heart.

I'm holding on to that feeling for as long as it takes. I won't give up on you, no matter what. I'll be waiting for you to come back to me.

Thinking of you always,
Your Lovebug


Holy shit! 50k reads. Thank you all so much for your endless support. Your votes and comments keep me going. Someone also made a Tiktok about a scene in this book, and dios mío. I love you.

So many people have asked me if Enmity will have a happy ending, and I don't know if I want you guys crying happy or sad tears by the end of this. I have an emotional attachment already.

I guess we'll see though. Stick around to find out. Vote and comment, babies.

With all my love, L

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