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Slowly Mr. Kanawut knocked on the door of Gulf's room. Want to talk to his son after so long. Since Gulf came back, Mr. Kanawut has never talked to Gulf. Hopefully this time Gulf will open his heart to talk to him.

As soon as he heard the sound of the room door being knocked, Gulf immediately opened it. Then he resumed the work of packing up his clothes.

"Where does Gulf want to go?" Mr. Kanawut asked, surprised to see Gulf packing his clothes.

"Gulf wants to move out from this house. Gulf already got a room to rent." Gulf answered briefly without the slightest feeling to see Mr. Kanawut's face.

"Gulf wants to leave papa? Gulf, don't you love papa?" Mr. Kanawut asked with a tear in his chest. It's unbearable to see Gulf packing his clothes. It was as if he was going to lose Gulf forever.

Gulf did not answer his father's question. Deliberately hardened his heart. He will not budge. The decision is final. No matter what happens he still wants to leave this home. For Gulf, it's all over. There is nothing left for him. So, he has to go. He would rather be an abandoned child than see the happiness in this house.

"Please Gulf, don't leave papa! Papa doesn't want Gulf to leave this house. This is Gulf's house, why does Gulf want to leave? Gulf doesn't love papa anymore?" Mr. Kanawut pleaded earnestly in the hope that Gulf would forget his intentions.

"Why did papa ask Gulf if Gulf loves papa or not, while papa yourself doesn't love Gulf anymore. So, what's the point of Gulf living in this house, if papa doesn't love Gulf anymore?" Gulf also asked Mr. Kanawut. It is very deceptive if Gulf is not sad with what happened. He just wanted to cry that time too, but Gulf had to hold. Didn't want to show his weakness in front of his father.

"How else do Gulf want papa to explain so that Gulf understands? Papa loves Gulf forever. World and hereafter. Gulf is my only child. Why doesn't Gulf want to understand what papa means?" Mr. Kanawut said with a disappointed face.

Gulf just kept quiet. Still Stacking his clothes into a suitcase. His stubbornness forced him not to speak.

"What mistake did papa make until Gulf hated papa like this?" Mr. Kanawut's voice had risen. he can't stand it anymore. Gulf really tested his patience.

Gulf still ignored his father. Still firm with his decision. He doesn't care about anything anymore.

Ms. Rose and Art immediately get them both when Mr. Kanawut's voice has passed the bedroom.

"Gulf doesn't want to bother papa anymore. Gulf doesn't want papa to be upset because of Gulf. Gulf thinks it's better to leave this house. Gulf is a stubborn child. Difficult to manage. So, Gulf thinks it's better for Gulf to just leave this house!" Gulf said firmly, even though in fact he was also trying to hold back the tears.

Art smiled cynically. He really likes it if Gulf just moves out. Gulf's presence only worsened the atmosphere. If Gulf doesn't exist, that's better.

"Gulf doesn't need to move out. Let Ms. Rose and Art go out of this house. This is your house, we're just outsiders!" Suddenly Ms. Rose spoke up. She could not bear to see such a situation.

Art pulls a sour face. Not happy with his mother's words. Her mother's heart is too soft. Easy to give up. But he can't speak now. Later the situation will get worse.

Mr. Kanawut just looked down. He was confused as to who to side with. The two are now important people in his life.

"Gulf, there's no need for you to do this if you really don't like us. We can go. This is your house," said Ms. Rose again.

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