Chapter 5, Part III

Start from the beginning

In response, Daigo slowly lowered his pocketknife. Clearly, he didn't want to take such a dangerous risk.

Madoka: Hmph. What a coward.

Daigo: This isn't cowardice, this is patience.

Ayane: He's completely right. A cowardly man would have run away by now, and here he is, standing his ground.

Monokuma: Hmm? It already looks like this house is divided, so I'll leave you to turn on each other right here, right now! Toodles!

And just like that, Monokuma was gone.

Kaori: Everyone, you might want to hear why Madoka knows that.

Souta: And it's because-

Kaori: Madoka ate from the tree of knowledge, but the fruits carry a dangerous substance that invokes violent, homicidal feelings.

Ayane: ...So that's why you went after me?

Madoka: Yeah. Sorry, not sorry.

Kaiji: And even then she shows no remorse for what she has done! She's clearly too dangerous to be part of us any longer!

Umiko: So what do we do, Kaiji?

Kaiji: Look, Souta, Umiko, keep her in a classroom until nighttime and make sure she doesn't stir up any trouble. Understood?

Umiko: Ye-yeah...

Souta: Capiche, kuhuhu~

Kaiji: Good. Ayane, Daigo, Kaori, you're all free to go.

He turned around and left once he had finished talking. Soon afterwards, Souta and Umiko beckoned for Madoka to follow them, and she reluctantly complied. I was the next to leave, before Daigo and Ayane, and eventually I found myself alone again, with too much free time on my hands.


(Free Time Event #19: Daigo Bushida)

Although she didn't appear to be that shaken up by her recent experience on the surface, I knew Ayane would currently be in no condition to talk right now, so I decided to spend time with her closest companion. Daigo had been by her side, by my side as well on occasions, and he was now currently standing in front of his dorm room, almost as if he was expecting someone to talk to him.

Kaori: Daigo?

Daigo: Ah, there you are Kaori! Care to talk?

Kaori: Of course. You might want to steel yourself.

Daigo: Why's that?

Kaori: I know this may seem like a really serious question, especially after what happened, but... have you ever thought about the dark side of your career? I've heard a lot of horror stories about the cutthroat workplace culture, and considering that you're an integral part of it, I would like your honest opinion.

Daigo: Kaori... I do. Salarymen like me are indeed corporate livestock. There's a lot of jockeying for favour with the boss, and unfortunately it leads to a lot of bullying... Especially when it comes to the younger ones.

Kaori: Like you?

Daigo: Ehh... it's kind of a mixed bag. On one hand, they appreciate all the hard work and effort I put in on the job. On the other hand, they look down on me because I don't go out often. My co-workers go out singing karaoke and drinking themselves to death, but I don't join in. You can probably guess why.

Kaori: You're too young?

Daigo: Exactly. Bravo, Kaori! You're quite the wise woman. Mind you, talking about death in this situation...

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