"You remember that?" She laughed. "I was such a dream chaser. I still am to be honest with you."

"I know. It's one of my favorite things about you."

"What else do you like about me, Mr. Castillo?"

"Your inability to be embarrassed, even in the most embarrassing situations. Speaking of which, will we ever talk about what happened a few nights ago?"

"No need. I'm past it, and I've put it into the box named 'never speak about again,'"


"No, Lorenzo. Don't ruin this. We both had a weak moment. Don't worry, I still hate you. I gotta go. I'll see you at work." She quickly hung up the phone and I was left staring out of my window without a clue of what's going on.

Seven years and five months ago

The emails have stopped.

As I sit in front of my computer reading the first email she ever sent, I cursed myself.

I don't really know how she's feeling right now.

I miss her so much. Yes, I abandoned her, but not by choice. If I would've stayed, there would've been more heartache and bloodshed.

It's been two weeks since her last email, and I can only wish for another.

I wish I could tell her how sorry I am. How I've read every single email and cherished them.

But I can't.

"Enzo!" My father called from inside the hall.

I quickly shut my computer and made my way to him.

"I have a job for you to do."

Whenever he says this, I know it involved something I would rather die than do.

"Come to the warehouse and you'll see."

A thirty minute drive led to the place where I've taken multiple lives in the past five months.

These people's blood is on my hands. I can't take that back. No matter how hard I try, I can't. This guilt will live with me forever. I can't fight it anymore.

When we walked inside, there was yet another man tied to a chair. Beaten, bruised, and tears stained his cheeks. Duct tape was over his mouth, so he couldn't scream for help.

As I slowly went to him, he shivered.

It was only a month ago when my father forced me to get a tattoo that said 가족. [family]

But this wasn't a family. It was more of a cult. Kill people to stay alive and prove yourself worthy of love and acceptance.

I tore the duct tape from his mouth and the man pleaded.

"Don't do this. Please." He cried. "I don't want to die." He sobbed.

"I know." I told him simply.

Over the course of these five months, I've learned the less they talk, the easier it'll be. But there was something about this one. Something was off.

"My wife...she's pregnant," he said, "please."

"Congratulations." I told him.

"Lorenzo! Cut the fucking talk and kill him." My father called from behind me, "do it or I'll send my men after your precious girl. Love is it?" He chuckled.

Don't speak of her.

"What's your name?" I asked the man who was still trembling.

"H-hyuk." He stuttered.

"Hyuk, I need you to do me a favor."

He nodded for me to continue.

"I want you to close your eyes, and imagine yourself with your family."

He did as I said. I walked behind his seat, took the knife in my hand, and slit his throat from one side to the other. My hand shook as I did so, but I didn't stop.

Blood gushed from his neck as he tried to yell, but couldn't. He was already gone. He gasped for air, but it didn't do him any justice.

His body moved as a response to his death, and he slowly began to shut down.

"Let's go." My father said, not caring about where Hyuk's body will be disposed. "We have some place to be."


Boring ass chapter, sorry. I just wanted to give insight on Lorenzo's friends. I think they're pretty cool. There's gonna be some major fucking character development btw!

Also, in honor of 35k reads, I did a face reveal on my tiktok. If you click on my profile and look at the profile pic, you'll see me. Xo


Vote and comment :)

With all my love, L

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