Chapter 29

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"Does this look alright? I want to look smart, but not old-fashioned," Ginny entered Hermione's bedroom, turning on the balls of her feet. She flaunted the blush-colored sweater, curving her neck to smirk and show off the jeweled collar of the white buttoned shirt beneath it. Hermione smiled at her, showing a hint of teeth beneath her curled lips. Ginny's navy pencil skirt hugged her motherly curves, stopping below the knee to reveal a pair of navy Mary Jane-type heels.

"Very smart!" Hermione sat straight in the padded chair she was seated in, James sleeping her arms.

Ginny was set to start her new job as a Quidditch Corresponder for the Daily Prophet. After spending the last few years playing professional Quidditch, she and Harry had decided it was best to slow down to allow more time for James. It was the witch's first day, and she hovered nervously in the guest bedroom, waiting for Hermione's approval.

"You don't think it's too much, right?" Ginny's face fell, pulling the bottom of the sweater out to examine a stray thread.

"Honest. You look great. Fun, but professional. A modern witch!"

Ginny hopped over and planted a kiss on Hermione's cheek, and then one on the crown of James' head. She said her goodbyes, a blur of pink flashing by the doorway. Hermione let out a soft sigh, leaning back against the chair as she heard the crack of Ginny disapparating.

It was a new year, now. It had been for a few weeks. Hermione had successfully made herself at home, the Potter's sole guest bedroom devoted to a bed, a desk, and hundreds of books. The witch had decided to send for her remaining few items from Severus' chambers, and they arrived on the first of January. Disappointment befeld her, looking over the boxes to see no handwritten note, or even perhaps a surprise visit to accompany her belongings.

Oh, how she wished she had said things differently.

If she were in Severus' position, with a fatal ultimatum set before her, Hermione knew what she would have done--Exactly as Severus had. If he were to let the Ministry's law choose his bride for him, Severus would have very likely ended his life in misery. With the spark of romance between Severus and Hermione, it had given him the idea to alter the law in his favor. A double success; an intelligent match to aid him in hunting for a way to stop his death, and a partner in which there was romantic chemistry.

As she held onto James, asleep in her arms, Hermione looked up at the books covering the walls. Between caring for James during the day, the witch occupied her scarce free time with browsing the Daily Prophet for job openings and reading through the texts she knew by heart. The same words read over and over for the last two months which presented nothing new to her, even though she continued to scour them every day. In a way, Hermione was obsessed. She wouldn't admit that to herself, but on the outside, Ginny and Harry could see it. If the witch wasn't busy tending to James, or sharing a meal with the couple, she was tucked away in her bedroom, a pad of paper, quill and a book laid out in front of her. The cure to Nagini's venom was a poison in her own life; it had ruined every bit of her.

By then, Hermione hoped that Severus had found it. She pictured the wizard standing in full health at the front of his classroom, weaving between rows of students to hit them behind the head with a notebook, or publicly scold them. This thought drew a thin smile to her face.

Hermione was brought back to reality when James stirred in her arms, letting out a cry. She stood at once, marching into the kitchen. With her wand, she withdrew a bottle of milk from the refrigerator and heated it up, it floating over to her as she sat on the couch with James. As the witch held the nipple up to his lips, the infant began to suck, and Hermione's thoughts began to drift away once more.

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