Chapter 23

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Christmas was coming to an end, the air thick with anxiety and fear in the Snape's chambers. Hermione had spent the day packing, reminiscing on the time she had agonized over which books to bring when her friends were going hunting for Horcruxes. Sorrow filled her, and she bit her lip to hold back tears. It was a painful reminder of all she had endured over the last few years. Severus entered their bedroom, his arms full with a crate of his potions vials. His sleeves were rolled to the elbow and his wife found her eyes drawn to the protruding veins, like roadmaps on his skin.

"How much more do you have?" He asked her, carefully sitting the crate in his trunk, just adjacent to hers.

"Not too much. I need to pack a few pairs of knickers, sweaters, and my old hiking boots."

"Hiking boots?" Severus asked, peering over at her with question.

"Did you think we were going to float everywhere? I don't doubt we'll be on the run once the ministry catches wind of us leaving the country." Hermione replied, pushing herself up off of the floor. Severus had sat down on the edge of the bed, peeling off his socks and boots.

"What makes you think they'll find out?"

"You of all people know that I should prepare for the worst, Severus."

Hermione crawled onto the bed and sat behind her husband, moving her arms to slip around his torso. She squeezed gently, pulling herself to him. The witch planted a gentle kiss at the base of his neck. Severus let out a soft sigh, hunching forward to rest his elbows on his knees.

"Are you absolutely certain that this is the right thing to do?" She heard him say soft and hesitant. Hermione slipped away to sit beside him on the bed, smoothing the thick black hair from his face.

"I'm only certain of one thing... I'll do anything to find that cure."

"Very well, then." Severus replied, standing. He made his way over to the wardrobe, undressing. Changing, he pulled on a pair of khaki brown cargo pants and a white short-sleeved undershirt. As he began to pull on a black button-up shirt, Severus paused and let out a heavy sigh. "But honestly... Did you really have to pick out such terrible clothing?

"It's our best cover. Without magic, we'll have to disguise ourselves to the best of our ability. Haven't you ever gone back-packing?" Hermione questioned, stifling her laughter. The clothes she had purchased for them were nothing more than outdoorsy muggle gear. Severus stood, his face turned downward in displeasure, finishing the top button of his shirt.

"Backpacking? What is that?"

"Like, erm... Hiking? Camping? Going outdoors and traveled on foot?"

"Why would someone travel on foot when there's the help of magic?" Severus questioned, scoffing as he moved over to sit on the top of the trunk to pull on a pair of thick socks and new ankle-high hiking boots.

"My parents, who are muggles, took me all the time. We spent summers backpacking... That's how I knew about the Forest of Dean."

"And you believe that if the Ministry sends the Aurors after us, that they won't recognize us if we're wearing this?" Severus questioned, undoing the buttons on the sleeves of his shirt to roll them up towards his elbows.

"That, and with the assistance of a glamour charm." She shrugged her shoulder, smirking. Hermione extended her arm to point her wand at Severus. Casting the spell, she was surprised at her work. Severus scowled at his wife, perched on the end of the bed.

"You'd have better not made me look ridiculous, or I'll--" He stopped, turning to look in the mirror attached to the inside of the wardrobe.

Severus' hair was much shorter, cut in smooth waves that hung over his ears. It rested back over his scalp, and one thick section fell to cover part of his forehead. Hermione grinned, biting her lip as she watched him study himself. Her husband lifted his elongated fingers to fiddle with the hair, flipping the part from side to side.

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