Chapter 3

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Hermione stood at the front of the potions classroom in the dungeons of Hogwarts. First level students faced her, and she smiled uncomfortably, clearing her throat. She scratched at the base of her neck, feeling her thick curls. Any moment, the new potions professor would walk through the door, and she would meet her master.

"I... am Severus Snape... I am your potions professor, and this... is-" Severus Snape had made his way from the small potions store room at the front of the classroom. He was dressed in the same robes Hermione had known him to wear. Trousers with a button at the ankle, black boots, and the jacket with long sleeves and buttons from the groin to the neck. He wore his long cape, which sounded like a flag in the wind as he flew up towards the empty space beside her. She let out a small gasp as he stopped at the desk, flipping his head to see her. "Hermione Granger. My potions apprentice. You will have us both to... Respect."

Hermione was wearing the apprentice uniform, a pair of black pumps, black tights, a knee-length pleated skirt, white button-down top, and a black sweater and black tie. She felt as if she were in school again, with the skirt and top. However, with the ability to wear the high heels, she felt more of an adult. Except her feet were killing her as she stood. Silently, she reminded herself to put a comforting charm on the bloody things.

"Miss Granger, you may take a seat for this lecture. We will... discuss after class." Curtly, Professor Snape flipped himself around and began to lecture about common potions and their ingredients, in which the students began to furiously take notes. Hermione found herself looking out the window, in which the September day was overcast and rainy. Big drops pattered against the window, and she thought back to the night she and Severus had met in the rain.

"Granger!" His face appeared before hers and she sat up straight in his presence. Hermione shook slightly at the startle, glancing around the classroom. "They're all gone. You've had your girlish head in the clouds for the entire lecture."

"Sorry," She whispered sheepishly, standing. Professor Snape rolled his eyes and flipped around, his cape whipping behind him. He made his way down the center of the aisle, opening the large arched door. Now was time to get back at him for the other night. She would not allow herself to be the weaker member of this arrangement. Hermione Granger had allowed men to run her life for the last 23 years. She would not continue down this path.

Hermione followed him quickly, heels clacking. Snape stopped in the small square room, moving to sit down behind the massive desk at the center.

"Plan on finding a less annoying pair of shoes."

"But I like these," She replied, furrowing her brow. Snape let out a heavy sigh, blinking up at her. Hermione bit her lower lip to keep herself from talking back and looked up at the room. All around them were bookshelves, covering the walls. Behind Snape's desk was a spiral staircase which led to a second level, also filled with books. One wall to the left was a glass cabinet, in which a mass of vials and bottles were resting.

"I did not realize you were my apprentice... If I had known, it might have altered my decision to return."

"Um... Well... I didn't know you were going to be my potions master. Trust me... After the other night, I would not have accepted this position. At all." Hermione crossed her arms tightly at her chest, sitting down heavily in a leather club chair opposite the desk. Snape leaned forward on his elbows.

"I did not invite you to sit." He stared at her intensely, Hermione scooting backwards to settle into the chair.

"My annoying shoes were hurting my feet." She threw one leg over the other, her eyes glimmering.

"If you insist on being difficult, I'll have you leave."

"No you won't. You want me here."

"I could not possibly want you anywhere... near... me." Shaking his head, the wizard drew his index finger across the skin between his nose and lips. He stiffened in the chair slightly, inhaling heavily.

"So... just because you found out the woman beneath the wig was me, you've changed the way you feel? I happen to be the exact same woman with our with the wig." Hermione smirked once more, this time, leaning forward to rest her elbows on Snape's desk.

"Perhaps... If I had been given all the information at the start, my actions may have been different."

Hermione let out a small sigh. Really?

"Are you afraid of what would have happened if you knew it was me?" Smiling cheekily, Hermione

"There should be nothing that presents fear in me, Granger. You should be the one who's afraid... You're now my apprentice. I could have you ruined in less time than it takes me to brew veritaserum."

Was he serious? Hermione felt the smile wipe off her face.

"Sir," Hermione stood, smoothing down her skirt. Sweet-talking the professor obviously did not work. Now, she would give him the silent treatment. Turning on her heel, she made her way out of the office.

"Granger!" He called out after her. She continued, heels clicking on the stone floor. In front of her, the door to the classroom slammed shut. That git.

Flipping around, Hermione scowled at the wizard standing behind his desk. He had his hands, palm flat against the desk, eyes narrowed angrily at her.


"Get back here at once. We have a conversation to finish."

"Oh, I don't believe we do. You see, a slut like me, well, we have things to do. People to see. Another day, we will finish our conversation." Hermione turned back around, withdrawing her wand. "Alohomora." 

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