Chapter 22

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Severus Snape sat across from his wife, Hermione, at their long, narrow dining table. He was taking small bites of sausage, while she sipped on a cup of coffee. The day was still young, the room a cool white from the snow swirling around outside of their chambers.

"Are you not hungry?" Severus questioned, furrowing his brow.

"Not really. Just nervous," she mumbled. Her eyes were cast downward, her thoughts elsewhere.

"Nervous about leaving?"

"About a lot of things. Leaving the country and not giving notice to the Ministry, for one."

"What other choice do we have?" He groaned, tired of hearing her worry about the bloody Ministry of Magic.

"Just tell them! They would make an exception for us, Severus."

"Why didn't I think of that in the first place!?" His voice was rich with sarcasm and Hermione rolled her eyes as she sat down her mug.

"It's such a ridiculous rule... Not able to leave the country without prior approval," She huffed, crossing her arms. The witch wore a black sweater over a pair of gray lounge pants. "All because they want us to have a baby..."

"What about... A muggle airplane?"

Hermione reeled backwards, her face "You want... You want to fly to Hong Kong?"

"It would allow us to leave without being detected. No magic, nothing to alert the Ministry." Severus shrugged his shoulder at this suggestion.

Hermione exhaled, thinking on her husband's words. Outside of their chambers, snow swirled in the air, a blizzard bearing down upon the castle. The witch pinched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head slightly.

"Alright. I'll book the flights, then." Hermione replied, exhaling heavily. What a foolish idea, the entire scheme. Leaving the country without the Ministry's permission, forgoing magic to remain undetected... To Hermione, it was all a disaster waiting to happen.

"We leave Christmas night, yes?" Severus questioned, raising one eyebrow as he picked up the Daily Prophet from the table in front of him.

"Yes. That's what we agreed upon," Hermione started, moving from the table to stand. "I'm going to Ginny's."

"Say nothing." Severus flipped his gaze up to her, his head remaining forward.

"Not a word, I promise." The witch whispered, walking around the table towards their bedroom. Severus caught ahold of her wrist, pulling Hermione back to him. His fingers clung to her skin, gently urging her to lean over. She obliged, feeling his hot breath against her cheek. His lips traced the shadow before her ear, pressing softly.

Hermione straightened, her hand free from her husband's embrace, and she made her way up the stairs into their bedroom. She changed quickly, wearing a pair of brown knee-high boots, slim denim pants, and the same black sweater as from breakfast. The witch made her way into the bathroom in search of a hair tie and stood before the mirror, her hands gripping the edge of the sink.

She hardly recognized herself as she looked upon her reflection in the mirror. Something was different; she was changed. But what was it? Hermione could not put her finger on it. Kneeling, she opened the cabinet to look for a hair elastic. As she pulled various boxes out, she gripped a box of tampons and froze.

Her period. When was the last time she had it? Gods... It had to have been weeks ago. Oh, Merlin. No. No. No, she thought.

Hermione swallowed heavily, gripping the counter's edge to stabilize her. A knock on the door broke through her panicked state.

"Everything alright?" She heard Severus ask.

"Quite alright. I'll be out in just a second!" Hermione replied, shoving the box of tampons and other containers back into the cabinet. She stood and straightened her sweater. "Come in," She stated.

Severus entered, running a wide hand through his thick hair. He stood over the sink and picked up his toothbrush, squirting a small amount of toothpaste onto the bristles. Hermione's eyes darted about nervously.

"Well, I'm off. See you in a bit." Hermione grinned, leaning on the tips of her toes to kiss Severus' cheek.

"Mmm," He moaned, the end of the toothbrush sticking out of his mouth.

Minutes later, Hermione stood in the living room of the Potter's townhome as Ginny Weasley-Potter rocked James in her arms.

"I'm so glad you could come. I know you and Severus are busy with the end of term, but I wanted to wish you a Happy Christmas."

Hermione warmed, moving to sit on the sofa beside her friend.

"Gin, how did you know you were pregnant?"

"Well... I realized that I had missed my period, and my breasts were so sore and swollen. So, I went to one of the potions stores on Diagon Alley, and purchased Dandelion leaves." James began to stretch out his arms, grimacing. "Why...?" Ginny asked suspiciously.

"I'm two weeks late..."

"Have you tested any Dandelion leaves?"

"No. I've just calculated it this morning. Honestly, with everything going on, my cycle's been the last thing on my mind."

"What's going on?"

Hermione felt her cheeks burn red--how was she going to lie to Ginny?

It's for their safety, Hermione thought. She knew that if she told them, Harry, Ginny and James would be at risk.

"Just Severus... Being Severus. Difficult, as always."

"Aha, yes." Ginny chortled, now drawing circles on James' back with her middle finger.

Hermione studied the pair, imagining herself in less than a years' time with a newborn herself. The thought terrified her, realizing that she was not prepared whatsoever to be a mother. But Ginny looked happy and content.

"I'm frightened," Hermione whispered, choking back tears that surprised her.

"Everything will work itself out," Ginny replied, reaching her free hand to rest on Hermione's thigh. "Severus will be an excellent father... You'll see. The joy a child brings, oh, you can't even imagine it."

"I certainly hope so." Hermione replied, standing.

"It will be the happiest moment of your entire lives."

Would she and Severus even survive this? What if Hong Kong held more challenges than Hermione expected? Fear rattled within her, Hermione's hands shaking. The baby did not matter... All that mattered was Severus.

"I love you, Gin." Hermione leaned over and pulled her dearest friend into a tight hug.

"You act like you're leaving for a long time," Ginny uttered with concern.

"With my schedule, it could be. But who knows?" Hermione replied, smiling stiffly.

That evening, Hermione was in bed before Severus, lying on her side with a book in her grip. All day, her thoughts wandered back to the conversation she'd had with Ginny. Perhaps her friend at had been correct... Severus would be happy with the arrival of their baby and all would be well. However, if Severus did not survive, there would be no happiness for any of them. Could Hermione even continue on with this pregnancy? This thought pained her, the idea that she would even have to consider the possibility of raising a child alone.

"You're deep in thought," Severus whispered, slipping beneath the covers to lay his body against Hermione's. The curves of his form filled hers, his hand reaching around to rest on her abdomen. "What are you thinking?"

Panic erupted in her. Severus was an accomplished legilimens, and she was thinking about secrets he could not be part of yet.

"How many books I can pack for when we leave." Hermione replied, a lie. She was breaking a promise they had agreed upon. No lies. Be honest and open. Trustworthy. However, this was to protect him. Hermione cared about Severus and Severus alone.

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