CHAPTER 24: And it's now too late to stop

Start from the beginning

As we were finally inside the water I played a lot, well not playing exactly but sometimes losing my balance drowning inside then again Rafael pulling me out keeping me in position.

"You are behaving like a complete kid, you know that?" He complaint holding my waist.

"Not everytime I experience this fun." Again I moved away from him and swam towards the waterfall, he followed me. I extended both my arms and closed my eyes, the way water hit my face... I thought would feel good but it didn't, instead my face hurt as the large drops landed on my face making me move away instantly.

I rubbed my face pouting.

He sighed "You are crazy."

Ignoring him I tried backstroke but failed miserably losing balance again I went in the water just to being pulled up by him again.

Not that I don't know swimming, but it has been years I last found myself in the water.

About one thing I was sure that I won't drown, he won't let that happen. I trust him.

"This is so much fun. Jesus!" I exclaimed in happiness.

All Rafael did was to stare at me with a smile on his lips. We were in the water for almost 45 minutes I guess, after that Rafael pulled me out scolding me like a five year old, well I can't blame him I was acting like a kid.

But when we were out that's when I looked down at my drenched self and realised.

Oh Sweet Jesus! Now how will I go home. I don't have any clothes and I am all wet.

I was so excited to go inside the water that I didn't realize I haven't brought any spare clothes.

I bit my lips looking down, Rafael was rubbing his hands over his hair but stopped when he looked at me.


Looking up I started "I don't have any spare clothes and now I am all wet."

"You should've thought about that before jumping into the water."

Is he scolding me now?

"Excuse me, you are seriously scolding me for that? It was all your fault. If you would've straight away told me where we were going, I would've carried some spare clothes."

He sighed and shook his head. Picking up his white shirt he handed it to me. "Soon we'll reach the penthouse till then I think you can adjust in this."

Nodding I took his shirt, he turned back giving me the time to change. One thing was a relief that there were no one around.

After dressing myself into his shirt, we made our way back to the car. The whole time Rafael held my hand tightly for me not to fall till now I guess he surely have guessed I am clumsy af. As we reached the car, the driver first looked at a very shirtless Rafael then at me. It was a bit uncomfortable as I was only wearing a shirt, I could feel his eyes scanning my body. I hid myself behind Rafael.

Rafael understood and said to the driver "Stop staring and get inside the car."

Nodding his head, the driver got inside then I adjusted myself in the car beside me was Rafael sitting extremely close, he pushed me at the edge of the seat with his hand holding mine which rested on my lap.

He is being too possessive not that I am complaining, but I am not used to someone being possessive about me.

I couldn't help but stare at him, I feel special. I think I shouldn't feel this way but I do feel special, the way he is taking care of me is so new. No one has ever done this before.

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