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The next morning, Yerin looked at the sudden visitor, who is a grinning Dara. "Aiguuu...you came? Where were you all these days?"

"Ha, don't act like my grandma, you girl!" She got inside her home. "Where is your family? Everyone eloped while I am gone?"

Yerin sighed and sat on a chair "Yes. Oppa went to army. Appa went to his work and omma went to school. Here I am, all alone."

Dara chuckled "All these are not new. Why so much exaggeration? I want to take a bath...and be ready, we should hang out today. Tomorrow evening I am going back."

Yerin widened her mouth "This much soon?"

Dara took off her jacket and muffler "It is already one month, you fool! If I stay some more days, the police will arrest me."

Yerin felt disappointment and looked down with a pouty face.

Dara chuckled "What? I already gave you a handsome boyfriend, right?"

Yerin looked at her.

Dara smirked, "What? Whatever you think, it is still I am the reason for that. Right?"

"OH...yes...yes. Now, go and bath. You smell like poop!" Yerin jokingly covered her nose.

The latter went to bath with loud laugh. Yerin went to get ready. When Dara finished her bath, Yerin brought a pizza and invited her.

"Oh, did you order it now?"

"No you fool...yesterday appa brought two. I kept one in the fridge."

Both sat down and began to eat. "Hmmm...then?" Yerin asked.


"Your story in these days...tell me."

Dara adjusted herself to more comfortable posture. "I got an epic story within these three days. You know this whole month's synopsis is laying in it." And began to describe everything.

Meanwhile Jungkook's home is in a mess now. The main reason is Uncle Jung!

"Ah wae this halmony trying to sleep with me?" He asked.

Yeolhee grabbed a fork from dining table "This stupid man! Yah, I am your wife you know? Wifeu..."

He strangely looked at everyone. "But why Mr. President is here? Or am I in the Blue house?" He asked to Uncle Choi, who dropped his jaw.

"Noona, give me some pork fry!" He then asked to Halmony!

Hana sighed and consoled a crying Yeolhee.

"Onni, I told this man to don't go anywhere and rest in the home. Look him now! Crawled to somewhere and hit his head on something. What I will do with this fool?" she made a fuzz.

Jungkook entered with a poker face because Hana called him to the home. Uncle suddenly stood up and ran to him with open arms...


JK flustered and froze in his hug.

"Hyungnim...when did you came from the battlefield? I had been waiting for you all these time...Oh my hyungnim..."

JK looked around and found a group of people with pity faces. Yeolhee came and grabbed uncle's collar to back.

"Let us send him to a skillful doctor." JK cleared his throat.

Suddenly uncle came with his hand phone from inside.

"Hyungnim...I told you about our uncle's illegal affair! I collected all details. After this you will shoot him down. Ah! "

The blue owl and The Pocket watchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora