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"How can I? You are the one saw him."

Dara pouted.

Yerin sat there.

" That's not it. It is a 'her' not 'him'. You know, I saw my guest there!" She pointed at a spot.

Dara also looked and found a familiar figure dancing near the stage. Then narrowed her eyes!

"She? She is your so called guest? But I saw her somewhere...where is it....?"

She thought hardly.

While pouring the drink into their glasses, she suddenly ticked her fingers in the air.

"YES...I remember it now. I saw her at that church!"

Yerin frowned "What bullshit? Church?"

Dara repeatedly clarified.

"When I entered into that church, I saw a girl going out. That was exactly her figure."

Yerin looked at her and thought. Then both decided to avoid suspicions.

"Is that her rich boyfriend? He totally looks like a rich fool!" Dara eyed at the man dancing with Inna.

"Aaaah...God knows!" Yerin shrugged her shoulders.

Meanwhile Namjoon entered into the private cabin of his friends sitting. "AAh...you are again late?" Jin scolded him.

"I am really sorry. I went to drop my girlfriend at home."

They teased him and welcomed him. He sat on a chair and blankly said,

"I saw that girl again!"

A chorus echoed apart from the silent JK.


Namjoon flinched and sighed.

"That model. Remember,on that Christmas ramp...?"

"AAAH YES...where?" Taehyung asked.

"Here! On the ground floor! A friend also with her." Namjoon replied.

"Why all of you are discussing about her with so much interest? Don't you have another job?" JK scoffed at them. But internally he got curious.

'Why she is again? What problem is next?'

They whined at him "AAAH...Kookah, our only job here is drink and checking out girls. Why are you like this?"

He smirked "Really? I am here for drink only."

Taehyung made a face at him "Oho? are you going to become a nun?"

They attacked him.

"Nun? He is a man you fool. Ha...ha..."

Meanwhile Dara and Yerin continued their drinking and Yerin began to dance already. Dara laughed at her strange foot works.

"Ha...ha...are you a boneless monkey? You should dance like this." She also began.

They actually forgot why they came here and about to go wild somebody collided with Dara.

"Don't you have eyes?" She raged.

He quickly apologized and went out in a hurry. She pointed at him,

"Oh...rich fool...?"

She stopped and thought for some moment. Then began to dance again but froze there upon remembered something,

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