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Near Incheon, in a private apartment Linda is crying her heart out. Her best friend and a journalist Son Jisoo again came with a glass of water.

"I want something heavy."

Linda complained.

Jisoo sighed "No! Here, take this plane water. I can't allow you to get drunk in this state. It is my last warning. Don't make a fuzz anymore. Let us search tomorrow and I will also take a leave from the work and come with you."

Linda drank the water "But are you sure that orphanage is still there?"

"Then will it run away?" Jisoo looked at her.

Linda didn't replied to that instead just looked at front.

"That is what my friend told me. That orphanage is still there. I am sure he should be there." Jisoo consoled her friend. Then looked at her beautiful wet face

"Are you really worried about him or..."

Linda sighed at her.

"Jisoo, you should understand my situation. If he reach in my uncles hands...then...you don't know what will happen next. They will destroy our family with him. His so called father also joined with them now..."

she wiped her face and looked at her...

"...My parents, Peter, my child...I will lose everything. My parents will be forced to give them huge amount of money. That will end up even in a bankruptcy. What can I do now? Because of one mistake..."

she controlled another cry.

Jisoo clutched to her hand "That was in the past! We can't time travel and stop that deed, right? Don't think about any cruel deeds, ok? I am sure you will not harm the child."

Linda grabbed her head "I don't know...I really don't know Jisoo..."

Jisoo bulged her eyes "Come and sleep. Don't do anything without telling me like that time. Come..."

Linda followed her like a robot.


Five years ago, a depressed Linda came to Jisoo. She got surprised at her friend's sudden appearance.

"Yah, what a surprise girl."

She hugged her with a wide grin

"I thought you will not come here since your engagement was over. Where is Peter? Are you alone?"

Linda replied in a hurry "Jisoo...that is not it...I am..."

"What? What is the matter?"

"I am pregnant!" Linda helplessly looked at her.

Jisoo thought it is Peter's but Linda denied.

"It is someone else's. Don't ask me more. I...I don't know how to describe. It...it was a mistake."

Jisoo tried to process the things and finally dragged her to her car.

"Wait inside. I will come back after inform my head about half day leave. Let us talk at home."

On the way to her apartment, Jisoo looked at her friend.

"Do your parents know?"

"Do you think I will be alive after Appa knows? I told to mommy only. She scolded me for an hour. Finally I packed my luggage and got in the flight. You know my cousins are like hungry wolves in front of money. I want to keep it a secret..."

The blue owl and The Pocket watchHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin