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Eunwoo helplessly continued his whimpering while looking at the train's direction and the girl frustratingly looked at him. Then walked away. But at a point she stopped and looked back. The kid is still standing there like that.

"Ah! seriously?"

She came back and tapped on his little shoulder.

"Yah, do you have money with you? Where are you going in this afternoon time? And where the hell is your parents?"

He looked at her and shook his head to everything she asked. She understood the situation and sighed helplessly.

'There is a high chance he lost them in a train or somewhere'.

She took out some money from her bag and placed it in his tiny pocket then suggested carefully...

"You can ask those guard uncles there, about where to go and how to go. If you are hungry, then eat something after that. It is enough money for that also. They will surely help you. Ok? Hmm...then I am going..."

She tapped on his shoulder once more and turned back.

"Ah, those stupid humans...!! How am I going to reach Seoul before the night?"

The man at the enquiry informed her that the next train may be delay. A cleaner told her:

"If you are in a hurry then the bus station is nearby."

After some thoughts she decided to avoid another problem happening like minutes ago and placed her bag in a taxi. Thanks to God, she got the bus at correct time when she reached there.

She placed herself on a window-side seat with so much comfortable and pleasure. Since it's the beginning of winter and especially the Christmas week, the snow beads are blessing the land outside.

"Huuu...huuu...its cold...cold...ha ha..."she clutched her hands together but eagerly looked outside to enjoy the snow. "Hmm...beautiful...he he he..."

When the bus reached at the next stop a mother and her little daughter came inside and sat in front of her. The child stylishly wrapped with a woolen clothing and sitting on her mother's lap. Suddenly her mind flashed a picture of that stranger boy whom she abandoned minutes ago.

'Did he get train already? He is not wearing a thick clothing also...it must be so cold outside. Actually where are his parents?'

Like this her thoughts began to wander in the wild. Slowly, slowly it only concentrated on that lonely little kid.

She scolded her mind and brain!

"Don't be like this you idiot. He is not your kid. Why should you bother about someone who don't have any relation with you? Huh...!"

But some inner thoughts again poked her sense of humanity.

'It's the month of baby Jesus. How can you abandon a little child just like that? Can you forgive yourself if something happen to him?'

Finally she forced her body to get out at the next stop still cursing at her too much kind mind. Then waved in front of a return taxi without even wait for the next bus.

Meanwhile Eunwoo sat alone on a seat in the waiting area with watery eyes and shaking mind along with a shivering body of him. It's too much cold for him and nobody even caring about him. He didn't went to the guards because he is too much afraid of police. When the time slowly getting the evening a little fear slowly began to crawl into his mind. He remembered his Father Dan and secretly cried and prayed to whoever he know as Gods.

But however he thinks, he just can't find out the directions of those long vehicles which coming and going through there. He slowly got down from the seat and began to move forward but stopped instantly upon saw those thief duo again. This time coming out from a taxi!

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