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Mr. Ping and Jinjoo ran and ran and finally sat by the long road with heavy breathing. She pushed him to other side.

"Is this your intelligent plan? Now we even lost a taxi travel..."

He replied with a glare "Hm! You are the one said it is an intelligent plan. I never said it! " Then looked at other side and continued "...I understood it now. Our plan failed because we returned to find her."

She scoffed at him!

"You are the one said 'ho, they may be trapped already and we can go back and lift them up and go.' What a plan...ho!" She imitated him and shouted

"Now carry me wherever you want to go!"

He didn't replied to that instead hopelessly wondered "But where the hell she went within that short period of time?"

She gritted her teeth


But stopped upon seeing a black car coming,

"YAH, let us ask for a lift...come..."

He blinked.

"Eh? In that? Seems like a luxury sport car. What if some mafia boss or..."

She punched on his shoulder!

"Mafia, my foot! Aren't you coming?"

Halmony vigorously tapped on JK's hand. "Kookie, stop...stop...aiguu...they may be the passengers in that broken car we saw! Let us give them a lift!"

He sighed and pressed the break. He narrowed his eyes at those familiar faces and observed them mingling with halmony. Finally she allowed them inside. He glared at her

'what is she up to? Allowing strangers in the car...this will be end up in disaster!' He saw through the mirror those people exclaiming at his precious car.

'God, what if they killed us and take the car?'

"Where are you going?" the talkative halmony finally found a companion Jinjoo.

"We are just a tourist couple came for sightseeing. Actually we are from America."

He furrowed his eyes at Jinjoo's words.

'This same dialogue...where did I?'

Suddenly he remembered that girl he caught on the new year.

"I am just a tourist from Shanghai..."

'Oh my God, is it that people who chased her in the mall? Shit, why all of them coming at me?'

He remained in a poker face throughout the journey while other three chirping like a gang of birds.

Soon they caught up with a medium paced straw vehicle when the road taking a turn to another small one. Even if it's a nice road JK can't overtake it that easily, because of its width, so he maintained a safe distance. Suddenly two messy straw men overtook them in an old motor cycle.

JK frowned at themn

'What the fuck are they doing?'

They are saying something to that straw vehicle and because of the glasses closed because of A/C, he can't hear it.

"Yah, quickly...what if that man come with a country gang for this damn cycle?" shorty scoffed at driver piggy.

"Yah! sit there properly! We will lose our balance." He also shouted.

"Haaa...I am itching all over my body because of these damn straw. I can't see anything because of your fat back." Shorty complained. The piggy cursed at him.

The blue owl and The Pocket watchOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz