Chapter 9: First fight

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"Why do you always look tired?" Minnie asked and chuckled.

Wheein unnie and Jackson also look over me while we're all wiping the tables before opening the café and they also chuckled making me roll my eyes.

"Yah! Lalisa! Walk properly!" Wheein unnie yelled and slaps my butt making me yelp and they all laugh.

Fvcking trembling legs. I woke up earlier almost thinking that I lost my legs because they're all wobbly and numb. I even fell face-first when I took my first step out of the bed.

And don't even ask me why!

Joohyun literally drained me last night. No, we didn't go that far. She settled on pleasuring me and exhausting me all night long. I don't know what gotten into her but she's soooo in the mood.

I woke up without her but she left a note and a prepared breakfast.

After a lot of teasing, we finally decided to open the café and start the day.

"Good day ma'am, may I take your orders?" I said politely as I approach the table of two women.

"Hey! You again," the short woman told me while smiling.

I mean... They're both short but she looks shorter. Ah, no, they're probably at the same height.

"P-Pardon?" She sounds like I'm familiar with her but it's my first time seeing her.

"Oh, you don't know me of course." She said and rolled her eyes at herself. "I saw you the other day at some café,"

"Oh," maybe it was when I treated myself.

"The order, she's working." Her friend reminded her.

"Oh! Right, sorry." She said and told me her orders, the same with the other woman.

I reviewed the list and they nod their heads at it. When I was about to go to the counter, the woman stops me.

"May I know your name?" She asked while smiling sweetly.

I pointed my nameplate at her. "Lisa, at your service ma'am." I said and bow before leaving.

Can I just say it? She's weird.

The day went on and there's nothing much of a customer so we can chill and relax for a while until our shifts were done.

"Bye guys!" I wave my hand at them while walking out of the café.

"Hey! Lisa!"

I heard a voice calling me so I look around and saw a car across the street with the same woman earlier waving her hands at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows and walk towards her car.

"Where are you heading to? I can give you a ride," she said like we know each other or we're some type of a friend.

Hell, I don't even know her name.

"I'm sorry Miss but I don't go around coming with strangers even if they ask me nicely." I said politely and she laugh at it.

That's when I noticed that she's still with her friend who's sitting at the passenger's seat and looking at me intently.

They're weirdos.

"I'm sorry, how rude of me." She said and hop out of the driver's seat to come face to face with me. "I'm Jennie Kim," she said and stretch her hand out. "I just want to be friends with you, you seem like a good person."

I took her hand hesitantly. "Lisa," I said simply. I still have some hatred towards rich people and you can't blame me for it.

Who knows what runs in their heads? My mother used to leave her family behind dying because of hunger while she can eat and sleep properly with money all around her.

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