Look What You Started

Start from the beginning

"I have not," I said.

'You're a terrible liar." He chuckled before smirking. Did I forget to mention his attire mention just how gorgeous he was?

"Yeah well, the world doesn't revolve around Taehyung." I put on this tough exterior to hide the fact that I'm actually squealing like a schoolgirl from this feeling of happiness. Of a great distraction.

"Then the world's missing out," Taehyung grabbed my computer turning it around for him to see what I was doing. His reaction remained bland and not surprising when he saw I only had two sentences and one being my name.

He tsked shaking his head as he scolded me for wasting time. I don't why I thought it was so funny to see him impersonate our professor with his glasses at the very tip of his nose and his eyebrows touching his hairline as he squinted to see the very tiny print on the laptop. I couldn't stop laughing even if I tried.

"Kitty.." He dragged the word on his tongue. "You know better than this. What should we do with you naughty girl?"

His smirk almost reached his ears as he looked at me sneakily. My laughing simmered down as this feeling burst like a pipe in my stomach. The way he looked at me, with his eyes low and hidden with the hair falling in front of his face, his elbows on the counter supporting his chin as he made eye contact. It was almost like he was studying me, and he might get an A-plus on how thorough he's being.

"I just started Tae before you came and rudely interrupted me."

"Oh please." He waved off my statement with his hand. "How on earth am I distracting you? You just got here not too long ago."

He shut me up with that one. But I couldn't tell him that he has in fact been distracting me with those pretty eyes and long lashes. I can't tell him that whenever I see him my whole body just doesn't know how to react to natural commands I tell it to do. That I'm so sexually frustrated and I hate that he walks around like the definition of sex and flaunts it in my face. I can't tell him that.

So, instead, I say this, "You entourage back there doesn't ring any bells for you?" I glanced past his shoulders and he follows my gaze to peer back at the women who seem to have nothing better to do than stalk the poor man. Taehyung smiles and winks sending a few blushing and flustered women gasping and lowly squealing in the library.

"I can't help it. Really, if I knew transferring would be like this." He paused, shrugging out the rest of his sentence.

My eyes squinted when he brought up him transferring. He did come for the new semester but it's our last year, if it was me I would just stick it out until the end because it's not worth all the trouble and paperwork switching to a different school. Yet alone a whole new country.

"Why did you move over here? Why not just stick it out wherever you came from?" I queried on the topic at hand. Since his time being here, I still haven't gotten to know Taehyung at all. He's just known to me as this mysterious guy with a great pair of lips.

The corner of said lips turned up and he focused on an empty space in the air between us. "My mother's job requires her to move around a lot and since she's always so busy I try my best to soak up the time I have with her."

I hummed and nodded my head in understanding when really it didn't make a lick of sense to me. A 26-year-old man still crowding around his mother? Not to say I don't like my parents but I was so happy to leave for college at 18. You couldn't tell me a damn thing.

"Where are you from originally?"

"South Korea." He spoke proudly of where he came from.

"Ah, well you and all five of my idiotic brothers come from the same place." I could see a soft smile appear on his face which made me smile in return. "I wonder if there's a return to sender I could mail them off to." I placed a thumb under my chin like I was actually thinking it over only to hear peals of laughter burst from deep within him.

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