The Date And Vision

Start from the beginning

"Red, can you explain what actually happened to you after we broke up? How many people have you killed? How many continents have you wiped out?" she asks him before he fires a gun at her.

"I told you all to stay away from me. I didn't want to meet any of you because things will end up like this!" said Red as he walks away while she screams in pain.

"It's time for me to end this!" said Red before he fires two more shots at Leaf.

Leaf can only think to herself that this is definitely not him. She hears a loud shout coming from Red before he jumps off the roof killing himself. The last vision that she sees is meeting him in an abandoned workshop. He still has the same tattoo on the back of his neck.

"Red, I knew that you haven't change." she said happily to see him after a long time.

"Have you been doing well?" she asks.

"Yeah." he answers with a smile.

"I've brought you here to ask you a favor." Leaf was left confused.

"I came here to remember everything I've ever done with my best friends before I moved to Hercule City." Red stands up.

"I'm never gonna be like I was in the past." said Red with a sad face.

"Why did you dump me?" he asks.

"I tried to get back with you but Ethan said "stop it Red! You can't force her! She got her own reasons."" Red remembers well what he said.

"Hilbert is also on his side. I'm the one who killed them both." Leaf was shocked to hear this.

"Not only them but also Nate, Calem, Rosa, Hilda, Lyra, Serena, all of our friends, even my old friend Carl." Leaf was shocked to hear that he has murdered all of his and her friends.

"I wanted you to stop me. So, kill me! I want it to end here!" Red orders her to kill him.

"What are you talking about? This isn't funny! You're asking me to kill you right after we just met? I... I just wanted to see you again." she said in tears.

""I Just wanted to see you." Hilda also said something like that the moment she died." Red tells her Hilda's last words.

"When I kill for the first time, you know that I don't feel any guilt. Killing my own friends are also included." he tells her his true feelings about committing murder.

"All is well when you eliminate things that are on your way but more importantly, looks like this is already from the start." said Red with a smile.

"You're wrong, you haven't changed at all! I can see it in your eyes." Leaf grabs both of his shoulder.

"Stop it!" he warns her.

"Stop talking about that murder bullshit!" Leaf was slammed into the ground.

"Which part of this do you not understand?" he points a gun at her.

"We can't fight nature, Leaf. We can't fight change. We can't fight gravity. We can't fight, nothing. My whole life, all I ever did was fight. I can't even fight my own nature. That's the paradox, you see Leaf?" said Red staring at her eyes terrifyingly.

"Take that gun over there!" he looks at the gun that is next to her.

"If you don't kill me, you'll be the one to die!" Red said it with tears in his eyes.

"Please, put me in peace!" he begs her before he got shot by another person.

Leaf then wakes up to see Red who was fatally shot. She can only shout her name.

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