He looked at Taehyung's ring for a few seconds, imagining how beautiful it would look on his long and slender finger. Then, he closed the boxes and put them aside, focusing on the room once again.

There wasn't much to do now. He had probably overestimated the amount of time he needed. But that was fine. Since he needed some alone time to arrange his thoughts. 

The only thing left to do now was to sprinkle some rose petals on the floor, which he did in no time.

Now, all that was left to do was wait. Or, fix the room a little more so it exceeded the level of perfection. He had an hour and a half to think and reflect upon what he was about to do. This was a humongous step into their relationship and he just hoped that he wasn't asking too soon. He knew they wouldn't get married immediately after tonight if Taehyung said yes. They were too young and would have to wait for at least a year. And he was fine with that.

He just hoped Taehyung would say yes, and nothing more. Because if and when Taehyung did, he would be the happiest man on planet Earth.

|11:53 p.m.|

Jungkook bit his lip and rocked his chair, anxiously staring at the clock on his phone.

7 minutes.

He was going to propose to Taehyung in 7 minutes.

When he was a child, he thought nothing in the world could have been more nerve-wracking and daunting than giving an exam. But right now, at this very moment, the level of nervousness he felt was one hundredfold than when he was a kid.

His foot kept tapping the floor as he looked at the time so slowly change. And as every minute's number increased, so did his anxiety.

It was 11:55 when he started wondering when Jimin was going to leave. He wanted this moment to be just Taehyung's and his. Therefore, he had specifically told Jimin that he should leave before the clock ticked 12.

Just as he was about to text Jimin, he heard voices from the living room.

"Bye Tae, I'm leaving."

"At least say bye to Kook and go."

"Nah, he's busy. And we'll meet tomorrow anyway so it's fine."

"Okay, take care. Text me when you're home."

"Fine, Mom."

As soon as he heard the door close from his room, his phone beeped and he looked at the screen to see a message from his Hyung.

ShortHyung✨: Hey Kiddo

5 minutes to go

You ready?

Oh shit

4 now

BullyKook😤 : Hyung



ShortHyung✨: LMAO WTF

Hey, u shouldn't be nervous

At least I wouldn't be

I mean, what are u nervous for?

U know he's going to say yes

And if u're doubting that, u're fucking stupid

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