76. Love

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|28th December - 12:00 p.m.|

"So I talked to the guide and we need to keep a few things in mind. But before that, we need to decide when we want to go hike." Jungkook spoke before taking a bite of his omelette.

"Okay, and how do we decide that?"

"So, the best time for us to go hike is at 3 p.m. since that's the hottest time of the day. But, the sun sets at 5:30. And the problem with that is that it takes 4-5 hours to go up and down the mountain. Which means, if we were to climb up and back down, we'd finish by latest, 7 p.m. But it would already be dark by then, and you do not want to hike in the dark. So, the other option is that we just climb up, which would take around 2-3 hours and then we use the cable car to come down while we watch the sunset. Or we could start earlier, at around 1. Tell me what you prefer."

The couple had been woken up at 8:00 a.m. by the sounds of various types of birds chirping around their cottage. On drawing the curtains, the two had been fascinated to find unusual birds of colours like red and white flying in the sky. They had never seen birds of that kind before since they lived in the city. Birds inhabiting the mountains were different than the ones found on terrestrial land. And birds found during the winter were even more unique. 

Though Taehyung and Jungkook had not been able to identify which species of birds they had seen, snow birds like the Red and White-winged Crossbills, Saunders' Gull and Siberian Accentor were the ones flying around their tiny home. On further research, they would realize that witnessing birds like these were very rare and they were one of the few blessed ones who got to see them. 

Even though they had woken up early and their stomachs had been growling with hunger, they decided against eating anything. They had only consumed one large cup of coffee each. They knew they had to go hike sometime after lunch, and wanted to just have a light brunch so they wouldn't puke or feel sick once they started climbing.  

"I think I'm inclining towards the 3 p.m. one." Taehyung answered after a minute of thought.


"Well, I have 4 reasons. One, we're eating food now, we can't hike at 1, we'll puke. Two, I don't think I can manage 4-5 hours of hiking, my body will collapse. Three, climbing down is more dangerous than climbing up and I don't want to take a risk. And four, you really think I would want to miss a cable car ride while watching the sunset?"

Jungkook chuckled with a scrunched nose, "Fine, I was thinking about the 3 o'clock one too. We have enough time to prepare ourselves."

"Uhuh." Taehyung nodded his head as he ate the last bite of his omelette before going into the kitchen to rinse his plate. 

|2:20 p.m.|

"What all stuff do we need to carry with us?" Taehyung asked and opened the big duffel bag they had gotten.

"I got a message from the guide. I'll just tell you, hold on."


"It's called the 10 essentials." Jungkook laughed a little.

Taehyung smiled too, "This makes me feel like I'm some professional hiker."

"I know right." Jungkook walked towards Taehyung who was sitting on the bed and sat next to him so he could have a look at the message too. 

He rested his head on Taehyung's shoulder as he began reading the message, "We need appropriate footwear, a compass, water, food, rain gear and thick clothing, safety items like a torch and a whistle, a first-aid kit, a knife, sun protection, and shelter, like a tent."

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