10. Destiny

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TaeGucci👅: Kookiee I'm bored af

Jeondelicious : Tae wtf, it's 4 a.m

TaeGucci👅: And?

Jeondelicious : Why tf are u texting me at this hour?

TaeGucci👅: Cuz you're awake?

Jeondelicious : U wldn't have known that before you texted me

TaeGucci👅: But you are

This is destiny kookie

Jeondelicious : Destiny, my ass

But what the fuck do you want?

If u say me, Imma leave

TaeGucci👅: Nothing, I'm just bored

Jeondelicious : And why does that make u text me?

TaeGucci👅: Maybe u cld entertain me?

Jeondelicious : What am I? Netflix?

TaeGucci👅: I mean

u cld be my personal Netflix ;)

Jendelicious : Fuck no

Anyways, why can't u sleep?

TaeGucci👅: I got a nightmare and woke up

Now I can't go back to sleep

Jeondelicious : Did u see urself in ur sleep?

TaeGucci👅: U rlly think I'm ugly?

Just like everyone else? 🥺

Jeondelicious : What?


You're gorgeous baby, I didn't mean it like that

TaeGucci👅: Oml

I was just playing with u-

U actually care???!!!

U even called me baby-

and gorgeous 

Aweee kookieeee

Jeondelicious : Wow

I'm fucking done with u

Good fucking night u annoying hoe

TaeGucci👅: Wow excuse me asshole?!

Goodnight, sleep tight, let all the bugs bite 😤



Tuesday update!!

Thank you so much for reading! 💜❤

Take care lovelies

Stay safe, Stay home

TheTaeBTSLover ✨❤❤

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