79. Sorry

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|2nd January - 10:00 a.m.|

"No Jungkook! This is unacceptable!"

"But baby! I said I'm sorry!"

"Jungkook, you had one job. I don't know the people around here so I trusted you. A sorry won't help. Look at how scared he looks." Taehyung sympathetically looked at his beloved puppy, Yeontan and kissed his head. He gently stroked his fur as he sat down. Jungkook followed him and sat at a distance, knowing Taehyung was angry right now.

"I know, I know." Jungkook sighed and brought his hand beside Taehyung's before gently combing Yeontan's fur too. He knew the puppy would feel better if both his fathers took care of him. 

Taehyung and Jungkook were finally back home after contentedly saying goodbye to the nourishing mountains. But as soon as they stepped foot into Seoul, their responsibilities were handed back to them. The first and most important one being Yeontan.

Unlike other usual times where Taehyung would have left Yeontan with his parents, he was unable to do so this time since Mr. and Mrs. Kim were also out of town. He couldn't have left Yeontan with Mrs. Lee, the best dog caretaker according to Taehyung who Jungkook had met last year because she lived too far. The only option the couple remained with was to find someone else, a complete stranger to both Yeontan, and them to take care of their puppy while they were away. Jungkook knew this part of the city and their apartment complex better than Taehyung. Therefore, he had taken up the responsibility to look for people volunteering to take care of dogs. He found only three people, and the most convincing one was Mr. Kwon, a 60 year old gentle looking man. Turns out he wasn't all that gentle. 

This morning, when the couple had gone to get Yeontan back, the puppy had hurriedly jumped into Taehyung's arms as soon as Mr. Kwon had opened the door. Which is quite normal actually. What was abnormal though was that Yeontan was shivering in Taehyung's arms, and the boy just needed one look in his puppy's eyes to know that he was terrified. Taehyung didn't even try to ask Mr. Kwon what made Yeontan scared because he didn't want to get into a quarrel. He just gave the man one fake smile and thank you and immediately left the place. 

Now, they were back home. The good thing was that Yeontan already felt much better. He sat in Taehyung's arms, relaxed. Taehyung and Jungkook's loving cuddles and kisses already made up for the terror he felt in the past few days. 

Jungkook glanced up at Taehyung, feeling ashamed. He knew it was his fault that their precious puppy felt the way he did. He also knew that Taehyung was very protective of Yeontan, so his anger was justified. But he didn't want Taehyung to be angry with him. Not when he probably had to leave in the coming few weeks. 

He scooted closer to Taehyung and cupped his cheeks, gently urging him to look in his direction. Taehyung was frowning. On any other occasion, Jungkook would've called his expression cute. But he knew now was not the time. He hesitantly looked up into his eyes before looking back at his lips. He leaned forward and placed his lips against Taehyung's. He didn't move them, just kept them there, almost reassuringly. Then he slowly pulled back while caressing Taehyung's cheeks. 

He placed one hand on Yeontan's back and scratched him there, knowing he liked that a lot. He placed his other hand on the back of Taehyung's neck and pressed his forehead against Taehyung's. He looked into his almond eyes with a deep, longing gaze. But most importantly, an apologetic gaze. Taehyung could see the sincerity in Jungkook's eyes when he spoke next.

He whispered, "I'm sorry Tae, I really am. I know that a sorry can't do anything and I know it's my fault. But please forgive me. Besides, he looks okay now. And I know that isn't an excuse to repeat what I did but just-"

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