Chapter 41 - Winter Eclipse

Start from the beginning

"They were an absolute disgrace to mage kind," he answered.

"You take that back," I growled.

"They are far more powerful than you realize," Rufus glared.

"Perhaps, perhaps not, it doesn't matter. They were an interference to our plan that had to be dealt with," he smirked.

"What plan?" I growled back.

The man grinned wickedly. "We plan to cleanse the world anew! We, Winter Eclipse, will reset the world! A world where only the strongest will survive!" He laughed.

"We won't let you," Rouge growled.

"And you better believe the guildmates of those you attacked will come for their revenge too," Orga growled.

"Let them come. You disgraces for mages won't be able to stop us," the master of Winter Eclipse smirked.

"Do you think all mages outside of your guild are a disgrace? You're more foolish than I thought," Minerva glared.

Their master smirked, "No. There is only one mage outside of Winter Eclipse of our interest, but as for the rest, they are no more than stones beneath our feet."

I growled, "You'll pay for that."

"We are done here. Take the device and head back to the guild," he ordered.

"Yes master!" His guild replied, grabbing some weird looking parts.

"We won't let you!" I yelled as we charged.

Crack. Smash!

"Aaah! Aargh!" We yelled getting blasted back.

"What was that?" Rouge questioned.

"Master?!" The dark guild goons yelled.

"Head back to the guild. I'll take care of these disgraces. I might as well enjoy one last battle before there extinction," the dark guild master smirked as he stomped over to us, his boots crunching across flakes of ice.

I widened my eyes in realization. 'He made a wall of ice in front of us and made it immediately explode. He did it so fast we didn't even see it!' I thought in shock.

I growled, "We will stop you! White Dragon Iron Fist!" I shouted charging at him.

He brought up his hand and easily blocked my attack with an ice armored hand.

"Worthless," he muttered blasting me back with a freeze attack.

"Shadow Dragon Silk!" Rouge shouted from behind him.

"Ice-Make: Ice impact," he muttered, cutting off Rouge's attack and blasting him back.

"Lightning God's Charged Particle Cannon!" Orga yelled firing a lightning blast.

The dark guild master grinned wickedly as his hand slipped across the black lightning as he... froze it!

"What?!" Orga gasped.

"My turn guild wizards. Blizzard magic: Gale Storm!" He shouted waving his hand as he swiped in a harsh blizzard.

"Open Gate of the Balance! Libra!"

"Territory!" Minerva and Yukino shouted, redirecting the blizzard away from us.

"Ice Demon's Rage!" He shouted.

"White dragon-"

"Shadow dragon-"

"Roar!" We both shouted countering his attack before we all got blasted back.

"Ice Make, Blizzard, Ice Demon; just how many variations of ice magic does he know?!" Rouge questioned.

"If it is an ice wielder we are up against then take this. Memory-Make: Karma of the Scorching Earth!" Rufus shouted, slamming his hand on the ground.

"Fire magic?" He yelled as the land began to burn with Rufus's spell.

"Not even that can stop me," he smirked as Rufus's magic exploded.

Then froze.

"Ice Terrain," the man smirked.

"B-but that's- impossible," Rufus stuttered in shock.

"White Dragon Iron Fist!" I shouted.

He caught my hand again as he smirked, "Do you ever learn?"

"Yeah, in fact, I do," I smirked.

"White Dragon Talon!" I shouted, landing a blow to his surprised face.

"Ha! Who's a disgrace now! White Dragon's Holy Ray!" I yelled.

"You bothersome pests," he growled.

"Snow magic: White Fang!" He countered destroying my attack.

I grinded my teeth before I smirked.

"Shadow Dragon Slash!" Rouge shouted from behind him.

The man let out a cry of pain before he glared. "You pests! In the new world I will be King! And all will bow before me!" He roared.

"You've got some weird diluted fantasy pal," I smirked.

"Because we would never let that happen," Rouge finished as the others smirked and nodded in agreement.

"You imbeciles are out of your depth. There is no ice magic I haven't mastered. I will show you why I am referred to as the Ice King."

"Ice God Destruction Freeze," he muttered darkly.

We gasped as the ground cracked and broke apart beneath us before it exploded in a freezing fissure of ice.

We landed on the ground, beaten and broken at the sheer shock of the attack.

'I can't move! What was that?! It's as if my limbs have turned to ice!?!' I thought in utter shock.

"Just as I thought, not even a suitable challenge," the Ice King muttered turning away.

I noticed the others were unconscious as I felt myself slowly blacking out as well.

'No! I – We have to stop him!' I thought as my mind started to haze over.

As my vision started to blacken, I heard the Ice King mutter one last thing, "We will set this world anew, this, I swear. All we need is the final piece. The Ice Iris."

With that, he disappeared in a wisp of snow and my vision finally faded to black.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Enjoy your day everyday!!!!

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