Its November

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I sit down and Luke goes up and gets us a drink. 'So what do you want for Christmas?' He asks. I smile.

'It's ages away'

'It's like a month away'

'That's a while'

'No its not just what do you want'

'I don't want anything' I giggle.

'Well I'm getting you something your just making it harder for me'

'Well what do you want?'

'For you to be better' he answers immediately.

'I'm fine' he looks me up and down and raises on eyes brow. A man comes over with our drinks and places then on the table. 'What do I have?'

'Your favourite' he smiles as I take a sip. Hot chocolate the best thing ever made especially in the winter.

'Hot!' I shout putting my drink down swallowing the mouth full I had. Why did I just do that it was just made. Luke burst out laughing as my tongue was burning. 'Stop laughing I burnt my tongue it hurts' he tried to stop but I catch him giggling.


We both get back to the studio with bags and small boxes and we place them in the couch and looking at them. 'Did you really need this much?'

'Yep' I smile at him and start emptying the bags. Luke rolls his eyes and sits down and helps me. 'Right know everything is out let's put the tree up'

'It's literally November'

'You said it was close'

'Fine but when the others judge you that's not my fault'

'Deal' I smile and we start putting the Christmas tree up. We put it in the far right corner and start putting ornaments on. 'This is fun'

Luke smiles at me and puts the last ornament on the tree branch. 'Come here'

'What?' I walk over. Luke hands he the star and lifts me up to put it on top.

I place it on the top and Luke drops me. 'Carful' I say in shock standing up straight.

'Your just over dramatic' he smiles as I walk over and put the rappers in the bin.

I here the door open and see the boys walk in. 'What the heck?!' Bobby asks.

'Merry Christmas!' I shout and shake my hands.

Alex burst out in laughter and walks over to the couch and sits down after we move the rubbish. As Reggie walks around looking at the tree and Bobby just stands there, 'It's November'

'I know' I smile and look at Luke.

Bobby looks Luke in the eye, 'her idea!' He blurts out.

I giggle and sit next to Alex. I reach down into a bag and start looking. 'What you looking for?' Alex asks me.

'I can't find it' I mumble and stand up and look near the tree. 'Found them' I turn back around and Luke had stolen my seat I give him a death stare and walk over with my hands around my back.

'What is it?' Reggie asks.

I move my hands and hand them all an individual advent calendar. Reggie had a chocolate rabbit one. Bobby got a Cadbury's chocolate. Alex got a friends one because it's his favourite show and Luke got one with mini chocolate instruments in.

'Well aren't you lucky I knew you were doing this' Luke smiles and turns around and reaches around the couch and grabs another advent calendar. It was a surprise. It didn't have a specific theme.

'Thank you' I smile at Luke.

'Thanks sis' Alex smiles as I hug him.

'I love you Alya how did you know these where my favourite?' Reggie says as he stares at it then hugs me.

'I'm just that amazing' I giggle.

'Thanks als' Bobby mumbles, 'it's still November though'

I don't say anything and smile and walk and stand in front of Luke, 'move'

'Make me' he teases.

'I'll sit on you' I scoff.

'Do it' I roll my eyes and sit on Luke's lap. 'Comfy?'

'Yep' I smile and start talking to the boys.


Around a week had passed and I was lay on the couch again staring at the ceiling. But this time the boys were practicing. 'Come on and play with us Alya' Alex smiles and hits a drum. I shake my head and turn to my side to see them and lock eyes with Luke. My face feels warm as I try and pull away.

'Come on als' Luke smiles.

'Fine only because I'm bored' I scoff and stand up.

'Wow you won't do it for me but for him' Alex complains.

'Shut up you baby' I fake smile. I unzip my jacket because I was getting warm and I put my guitar on. The boys started staring at me as I am wearing a sleeveless crop top. 'What?!' I panic. I cover my stomach. Do they think I've gained weight. Dam it I knew I shouldn't of had that subway yesterday.

'Guys!' Luke shouts at them as it breaks there stare. He walks over to me as I look at my body. 'Alya' he whispers looking me in the eye. I look up at him. 'Your perfect and always were they just haven't see you like this yet' he looks down at my arm, 'why are there new cuts there?' I stay silent and look at them. 'Come on let's take your mind off it but I will talk to you when we're alone' I give a faint smile and walk over to the boys with Luke leading.

'Alya-' Alex starts.

'Bro leave it' Luke interrupts.

'Why she's so thin what happened?' Reggie points. I look back down and feel my stomach and move my fingers along my rib cage.

'Reggie!' Bobby shouts, 'Alya what's going on with the cuts?'

'Just leave it' I mumble.

'No because you won't tell us and it's been since Halloween' Alex stands up and raises his voice a bit. My bottom lip starts to quiver and I suddenly feel cold.

'Bro don't we'll talk later' Luke whispers to Alex.

'You know?' He whispers back. Luke nods his head and Alex drops the whole situation.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now