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'Who are you taking to!' My mum snaps back at Alex standing up.

'I'm taking to you!' He keeps a straight face, 'you aren't sending Alya away!'

'It's already been a ranged and why so you care?!'

'I care because she is my sister!'

'Your not part of this family so she is not your sister!'

'MUM!' I but in.

'Okay even if she wasn't my sister she is the only person who has ever cared about me when you should have been there!' He snaps.

'Well it's a shame you won't see her again,' she looks at me, 'your so naive letting this outcast into your life'

'WHY WONT YOU JUST BE A NORMAL MOTHER!' I shout in her face, 'why do you have to hate us! We did nothing to you personally and it's our lives not your! All we ever wanted was you to love us and except us but no we had to get the selfish mother who only cares for herself and doesn't want outcast children when your the only one who sees us as that!'

She walks up to me looks me dead in the eye and slaps me across the face leaving a red mark. 'I'm sending you away to help you ungrateful brat!'

'How are you?!' I shout back holding back my tears as my face is burning, 'your just getting rid of me! You pretend Alex doesn't exist and know you send me away! What kind of mother are you?!'

'Clearly not yours!' She shouts back. She pushes me on the floor and bends down and looks at me, 'know go pack your bags!' And she walks out.

Alex rushes over to me and helps me up. I sit on the couch as mum went to her bedroom. Alex ran to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of peas and put them on my face to help the burning.

'Thank you for standing up for me' I whisper to Alex holding back my tears.

He hugs me and whispers back, 'I'm sorry'

'What are you sorry for?' I ask.

'She's going to force you to go' he sobs.

'Hey,' I says looking into his eyes, 'hey, don't you cry I will be fine it's a 2 week trial I will be horrible so they don't want me and I will call you everyday until I'm home I promise' he holds my tighter.


That night I couldn't sleep at all. I was lying awake in bed tossing and turning. I got out of bed and went down stairs to get a drink. I stood in the kitchen for a while and I go and stand outside out of boredom. I sit on the grass in the front garden. I am watching the silent streets with a few occasional cars driving past. I look to down the road and see a figure walking down the street. The figure gets closer and he looks familiar. It's Reggie.

'Reggie?' I show to over to him.

'Hey Alya, What are you doing?' He asks walking over to me.

'Nothing, I just can't sleep so I came outside' I reply, 'what about you?'

'My parents are arguing again' He says sitting next to me.

'Does this happen a lot?' I ask.

'Y-yeh,' he stutters, 'it's almost every night and they shout leaving me awake and tired'

'I'm sorry Reg' I say putting my arm over his shoulder.

'They argue about me and call me a mistake and blame me for all the family problems but I didn't do anything' he sobs with a tear falling down his red cheeks.

'It's not your fault they're just going threw something everything will be okay' I reassure him, 'you wanna stay here tonight?'

'It's fine i don't want to intrude' he says. I feel bad for him he doesn't deserve this.

'You won't be,' I get up and out my hand out, 'come on sleepover I need it' he smiles and grabs my hand so we head to my room, 'do the boys know about the arguing?'

'No,' he admits, your the only one that knows so please don't tell anyone' he says scared.

'I won't don't worry,' I promise, 'but you will have to tell them at one point'

'I know I just don't want to yet' reggie says.

Because we can't sleep we play a few games until around 4pm
And we both fall asleep on the floor.

I wanted to tell Reggie everything that is going on with the boarding school and that my mum hit me and she won't talk to me but he has his own problems to worry about so I don't want to worry him.


I wake up the next morning and look in the mirror and see I have a bruise on my face from where mum slapped me yesterday. That's going to be hard to hide. Alex walks in and sees Reggie asleep on the floor. He looks at me than back at Reggie then back at me and shuts the door behind him.

'What?' He whispers.

'I saw him wondering the streets last night so I let him sleep over he need a break from his house' I answer.

'He doesn't live near us though Alya' he says.

'Oh,' I mumbled. He must have really needed to get way, 'I don't know he just went on a walk don't bother him'

'Alright,' he walks back to the door, 'when he wake up go to the studio'

'Okay' I say turning to him from looking at the mirror he looks at me with wide eyes looking at my cheek, 'oh no is it that noticeable?'

'Yeh' he says honestly.

'Great' I sigh.

'It doesn't matter don't worry' he says walking out.

When he left I started packing my suitcase. I put all my favourite clothes in and my necessary items. I look around my room for anything else. Nothing. I hate everything about this room all it does is remind me of how my parents want me to be the perfect daughter.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora