Last meal

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Reggie woke up and I sat next to him.

'Hey Reg' I say.

'Morning Als' he reply's.

'Alex wants us at the studio' I say looking at my suitcase.

'What's that for?' He asks, 'are you going on holiday?'

'Something like that' I fake smile.

We walk down stairs and I ignore my parents and they ignore me so we walk right out of the door. We head to the studio. Where all the other boys were waiting.

'Hey wanna rehears?' Luke asks as we walk in, 'we have a gig on Tuesday' I stay silent and sit on the couch. 'Are you not happy about that?' Luke says walking over to me.

Alex nods at me and I look at the boys individually. 'I won't be able to make it' I say ashamed.

'Why it's our first gig as 5? it's really important' Bobby points out.

I feel a tear fall down my face and I wipe it away quick.

'What's going on Alya I know you wouldn't miss unless there was a problem?' Luke says looking into my eyes. His eyes are impossible to lie to.

'My mum is sending me to a boarding school I'm Australia on Monday' I blurt out. It felt good to get it if my chest but the second I said it I burst out crying.

'What?!' Luke shouts. I nod my head as the others crowed around. Luke's pulls me in close and hugs me.

'What did your dad say?' Reggie asks.

'He agreed with mum' Alex says as I'm press my face into Luke's shoulder.

'Well we have to change there minds!' Luke says.

'We already tried' I sob.

'I'm so sorry Alya' Bobby says.

'It's fine' I mumbled moving off Luke.

'One second' Luke whispers to me and makes a group huddle with the boys. I couldn't hear a thing they said. There good at being quite when they want to be.

'Alya?' Alex says to me.

'Yeh?' I answer.

'Can you come back in an hour we have something to do?' He asks.

I look at them, 'okay' I walk out. Why would they kick me out they are probably rehearsing not wanting to make me feel bad. I walk around the neighbourhood it was pretty boring. I saw a squirrel steels another squirrels nut. That was the most interesting thing I saw.

Luke's pov

'Shes gone' I say jumping back to the boys.

'Reggie and Bobby,' I start, 'decorations, Alex cake and me presents, go!' The boys nod at me. Me and Alex run out.

Alya's pov

It's been an hour, should I go back I don't know. They don't want me there. But I won't see them for 2 weeks so I might as well. I head back to the studio and walk in to a dark room.

'SURPRISE!' They all shout turning the light on and jumping out. I jumped and lay on the floor i breathing heavily scared to death. They all laugh at me as i sit up looking around the room.

It was filled with balloons and banners that spelt 'we will miss you!' In black with lots of little love hearts around it. It wasn't the neatest but I could read it. There was sleeping bags, pillows and blankets all over the floor.

'What's all this for?' I ask with a grin on my face.

'Well because we won't see you for a while we want you to have the last few days count' Reggie smiles and helps me up.

'Aww you guys are so cute' I say and hug Reggie and they all come in for a group hug.

'I know we are' Luke teases, I call dibs on the blue sleeping bag!' He runs over and sits on it.

'Fine!' I say running over to him, 'I want the red!'

'Hold up that's my colour!' Reggie jumps on me.

'Hey I called dibs' I push him off me.

'Fine' he says, 'I wanted the black one anyways' I laugh at him as Bobby and Alex walk over to there bags. Alex casually sat down on the pink one while Bobby sat on the green.

'So what are we going to do?' I say really excited.

'Well it's only just lunch time so do we want to go and get food?' Bobby asks winking at the boys.

'Alya what do you want?' Luke asks as he looks at me.

'This is to much pressure! Ahh' I stay silent for a minute thinking. 'I'm really craving an Italian'

'Ooo that sounds good' Reggie smiles.

'Perfect' Alex jumps up and we all head out.

It isn't a far walk around 20 minutes. We could have taken the car but I wanted to walk. We were laughing all the way there over literally nothing. We get half way there and I stop and look at Luke as he stops as well, 'what know?'

'Can you carry me?' I ask sweetly.

'Uhhh fine get on' Luke says. I climb on the wall so jump on his back as the rest of the boys watch us. 'Comfy there princess'

'Yep' I giggle. Luke catches up with the boys.

'What are you doing?' Alex laughs.

'My legs got tired' I smile.

We walk some more and Alex and Reggie run off. I wasn't sure where they went but they went in the same direction as where we were going.

'Where are they going?' I ask.

'Not sure' Bobby answers looking at Luke. I Ignore it and we continue to walk. We finally got there and Luke put me down.

'Thank you for the ride' I smile at Luke as see Alex and Reggie sat down so I run over and sit down. 'Why did you guys run off?'

'Wanted to get a good seat' Alex reply's quickly.

'Hey boys!' Luke shouts to them as he sits down next to me, 'move it princess' my cheeks go red and i move so Luke can fit in. The waiter came to our table and asked what we were would like to order, 'i would Luke a pepperoni pizza please,' Luke says turning to me, 'what do you want?'

'I think I have will have the spaghetti please' I reply.

'I will have the macaroni cheese' Bobby says reading from the menu.

'I will have the spaghetti as well please' Reggie smiles.

'And I will have a small Hawaiian pizza please' Alex says. We waited for food and when it came we all dug in and it was amazing.

'Hold up Alex do you have pineapple on that?' I say with a face full of food.


Me and the boys all give each over a look and look back at Alex, 'eww' we all say in disgust.

'Shut up it's good!' He defends his pizza.

'Wanna bite?' Luke asks me giving a slice. I take a bite and look at him and look at the pizza and eat the rest as if no one saw. Luke burst out laughing, 'you enjoy that?'

'It's alright but not as good as mine' I say putting some spaghetti on the fork and looked at Luke, 'try this' I feed him and you could tell he liked it by his face.

When we finished eating the waiter collected the plates and the boys run away with my bag. Where the hell did they go. I don't want people to think we didn't pay so I pull over a waiter. 'I'm so sorry my friends ran and they have the money they are still here I just don't want you to think we ditched' he smiles and nods his head and I get up to find the boys.

Then a little girl walked up to me, 'follow me' she grabs my hand before I could say anything and we head into a black room.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now