Lets start from the beginning

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'Mum!' My twin brother runs in the house screaming with me slowly trailing behind.

'What honey?' Our mum shouts from the kitchen making our favourite food dino nuggies.

'I'm going to join a band with my new friends at school' he smiles as he sits down at the dinner table with me placing my bag down and following him to the table.

She looked at him with a disgusted expression upon her usual happy face, 'your not wasting your life on that-'

'But mum-'

'No I'm not having my only son throw his life away now dinner will be ready soon'

Me and my brother both leave the table and walk upstairs. Is probably just a phase he's going threw I mean we're only 11 it will pass ever little boy wants to be part of a band.

'What made you want to be in a band Alex?' I ask as we sit on our beds. I know we share a room but we're really close so it's not a problem but I want my own space luckily mum said when I'm 14 I can have my own room im so excited.

'In English today I met these 3 boys and we all wanted to start a band so we sat down at break and made a name and who will play what.' Alex said with a gleam on his face that I asked him.

'What is it called?'

'Moonlight curve'

Not going to lie that sounds a bit weird but I won't burst his bubble cause mum already did. There is a loud band of the front door hitting the wall. It's dad he's quite heavy handed but we know that bang when we here it.

'Great,' I whispered to Alex with no response just a blank look on his face.

'Kids food ready!' Mum shouts from the kitchen. We walk down the stairs clearly trying to avoid our dad
as Alex grabs my hand tight. We sit down at the table and I see dad from the corner of my eye drinking straight out of the milk carton as he looks at me with a cold glare. I share a look with Alex as mum just smiles and dad stomps upstairs I'm surprised he didn't fall threw the stairs. 'What are you guys so worried about? He's just had a few drinks.'

That what she thinks, last time dad was drunk he locked me in the bathroom because I woke him up and Alex was locked in the room for hours mum not knowing we told her but she won't believe us. Dad is a nice person but the second he has a drink in his had you better run he could kill you if he could.

'Mum you know I think this band will help Alex's social skills you know he quite.' I mention to try and break the silence. She slowly looks up.

'Alya we already discussed this no he will not ruin his life over some stupid dream.' She said aggressively and she went back to eating.

I was only saying cause I'm a lot more social the my brother he is a very anxious person so maybe being in a band might help but mum clearly doesn't think so. I look over at Alex who is just looking at his food. I nudge his side and mouth to him don't listen to her. He smiles and eats a nugget.


'Ready for school?' I shout from down to Alex as he runs down with a magazine in his hands. 'What have you found?' I scoff as I see the magazine.

'What do you have there?' Our mum said as she walked in ready to get in the car.

'Nothing,' Alex rammed the magazine into his back pack. 'Nothing!'

Mum scoffed but didn't Say anything as we all walked to the car. I'm so excited first day of high school! I look over at Alex circling things in the magazine it was a drum set I smile over at him. Looks like it's not a phase.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ