Leather pants

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We get to the studio and leave my stuff in the car. 'Nice to see nothings changed' I say walking in with a smirk. They follow me in and we all sit down.

'So what happened to coming back after 2 weeks?' Alex asks.

'Yeh you said you would but you never did' Reggie adds.

'And you never called or answered since' Luke also adds.

'I-I left school' I admit.

'You what!' Alex shouts.

'I left' I mumble.

'What do you mean you left?!'

'I had to I couldn't stay there after everything that happened'

'What happened?' Reggie asks. I look at Luke who gives me a look of sympathy.

'Nothing' I mumble.

'Well it clearly wasn't nothing you just left! where did you stay?' Alex shouts.

'In a shop' I mumble.

'A shop!'

'Alex chill man!' Luke interrupts trying calm him down, 'she safe and fine' Luke touches my arm and i flinch away and realise everyone just saw that, I try to ignore it and change the conversation and I hold Luke's hand for comfort.

'So what's everyone being for Halloween?' I ask.

'Don't change the subject what was that!' Alex shouts again bringing up the flinching.

'Alex!' Luke shouts at him.

'What!' He shouts back.

'Let's talk about this after' Reggie says trying to stop the arguing. I look over and mouth over to him thank you. He smiles at me.

'We're not sure' Bobby reply's to my question.

'Maybe a group thing?' Reggie asks.

'Yeh I'm down for that' I say looking over at Luke.

'What's the group then?' He says looking at me.

'Oh let's do Scooby Doo!' I say.

'That's good' Bobby points at me.

'Who's who then?' Alex asks calmed down.

'Dibs Velma!' I shout.

'Velma?' Luke asks.

'Yeh she wears a jumper so I can be warm' I say with them all looking at me, 'what it's cold on Halloween'

'Fred!' Alex calls dibs, 'cause I'm blond'

'Shaggy!' Luke shouts looking at me.

'Scooby!' Reggie shouts and we all look at Bobby and laugh.

'Hi Daphne' I laugh to Bobby.

'Very funny' he says.

'This will be good' Luke whispers to me.


It's been a few hours of us all in the studio and it was starting to get dark. Everyone had left except me and Bobby, 'Hey Bobby?' I ask.

'Yeh?' He answers.

'Can I sleep here? I don't want to go home' I mumble to him.

'No problem just remember we have school tomorrow so we might wake you up'

'That's fine' I smile.

'Night' he smiles back and turns around to walk out of the door.

I run over and hug him from behind and whispers to him, 'thank you'

'Don't worry about it' I let go and he turns around to me, 'know get some sleep' I walk back and sit on the couch as he walks away. I grab my blanket out of my bag and replace the couch pillow under my head and got comfy and tried to fall asleep.

I fell asleep but I continued to wake up in the night. With nightmares of me falling or being chased. I sat up and stared at Luke's desk and I walked over. I turned the lamp on and sat in his chair and there was nothing for me to do he had moved his journal. So I got a pen and in the corner of the desk I engraved my initials into the wood, 'AM' I whispers and smile at it. I put the pen back and lay back down on the couch with my eyes open staring at the ceiling. I ended up drifting of to sleep and slept for most of the day. I woke up at 1pm and sat up looking at the clock. Wow I slept a while. I walk into the bathroom and take a shower and get dressed up. I want to go and do something with the boys tonight to celebrate me being home.


'Bro seriously you can't' I hear Luke laugh walking into the studio.

'I so can' Reggie laughs with him.

'What can't he do?' I ask.

'Fit in those leather pants' Luke says pointing at small leather pants Reggie is holding.

I burst out laughing, 'Bro you can't'

'I can watch me' he runs into the bathroom and me and Luke sit down on the couch.

'Hey why you dressed up?' Luke asks me.

'Well I have decided that because I am home we will all go out' I smile.

'Oh' Luke sighs.

'Oh what do you mean oh?' I ask.

'My cousin is getting married the wedding is in 2 hours and we're playing' He admits.

'Oh okay' I say looking down at the floor in disappointment.

'You wanna come?' He asks.

'No it's your cousins wedding she doesn't know me'

'Well your coming because you know the songs we're playing so your back in the band'

'What do you mean back I never left' I tease he looks at me worried, 'I'm joking'

'You ready guys!' Reggie shouts from the bathroom.

'Go on Reg!' I shout back. He walks back out in the leather pants and they look good, 'you suit them'

'Thank you' he smiles.

'Now take them off' Luke laughs.

'I will' Reggie scoffs and walks into the bathroom. Me and Luke share a look, 'guys?!'

'What is it?!' I shout.

'I can't get them off!' He panics.
Me and Luke look at each other and burst out laughing, 'it's not funny!'

'Sorry reg! I laugh trying to compose myself, 'come out and we'll help' Reggie walks out and we burst out laughing.

'What's so funny?' Alex's asks as he walks in with Bobby.

'Reggie can't get his pants off' Luke shouts almost wetting himself laughing on the floor. The others start laughing. Then Reggie starts but I feel bad but it's still hilarious watching him struggle.

'I have a good idea come here' I say as the others help me and they won't budge. 'Right plan c,' i sigh, 'get me the scissors!' I shout to Luke.

'Got them' he runs over and hands them me. I take them and cut he pants and Reggie is left on his underwear.

'There we go' I laugh. He runs back into the bathroom and puts his jeans back on and walks back out.

'Thanks Alya'

'Don't worry about it' I laugh looking at Luke still almost dying from laughter. 'Luke grow up' I say hitting him slightly in the arm.

'Calm down boarding school' he teases, sitting up leaning against the couch.

'Shut up' I say sitting on the couch behind him and start playing with his hair out of boredom.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now