Where am i?

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I remember opening my eyes slightly but my vision was blurred. All I could see was 2 people around me as I could feel someone below me move. My hearing was faint I could mostly hear ringing as one of the people in front of me said my name but I couldn't respond.


I squint my eyes again to see a bright light above my head. I twitch my finger as I open my eyes fully and sit up to a headache. I look around to see a nurse walk in. She was in a light blue uniform as she walked over to me with a smile on her face. She looked at the bottom of the bed I was in and said, 'how are you feeling Alya?'

I look at her in confused, 'My head hurts' I mumble.

'Don't worry that's completely normal' she smiles and grabs some tables form the cart next to her.

'W-what happened?' I ask.

'It seems you have a mild concussion from banging your head on the floor due to fainting' she says handing me a cup of water, 'do you remember feeling stressed or anxious before collapsing?'

'Yes' I say gulping down my water as I take some medication.

'Could you explain what happened and how you felt?' She says sitting down on the chair next to my bed.

'Well it's these girls I got in a fight and everyone hated me and it was my first day at school and today the same 3 girls I got in a fight with started teasing me again and going in my room and steeling my guitar and they broke it and everyone was watching. She wrapped her arm proud my neck so I couldn't breath and she tried to break something else important to me and I got it back and ran off that's the last I remember,' I say in one breath, 'they trespassed and stole from me' I feel tears falling onto my cheeks. I wipe it away as she stands up.

'We will make sure to contact the school about this don't worry what's these girls called?'

'Ruby, Jessica and Katie' I mumble. I placed me hand on my neck and couldn't feel my necklace. I start breathing heavy as she rushes over to see if I'm alright. 'Where's my necklace? And my guitar and pick in the black box with a note?!'

'Calm down Alya' she says trying to calm me down, 'we have your guitar and the black box. We had to take your necklace off to check your pulse' I take a big sigh of relief and lie back down.

'Thank you' I smile, 'can I get them back?'

'You will get them later when you recover just in case you have another panic attack'

'I had a panic attack?'

'It seems as if you did due to the heart monitors and you feeling anxious and stressed'

'Oh' I mumble.

'I will come and check on you in a hour' she leaves and I'm left alone in a room staring at the ceiling.



I look up to see the nurse holding a phone in her hand as she walks over to me. I sit back up and smile at her, 'it's for you' she hands me the phone and walks out the room for privacy.

'Hello?' I ask down the phone.

'Alya!' I hear my twin brother shout down the phone in relief.

'Alex?' I ask I wasnt 100% sure it was him.

'Yes' he says with a deep breath afterwards. I smile, 'what happened?'

'Nothing don't worry about it' I say.

'Alya you had a panic attack your not fine your in hospital!'

'Alex listen I'm fine I just got stressed that's all. It's fine to all this work Australia is a lot different' I laugh. It was fake but I don't want Alex worry about me.

'Are you sure?'

'I'm sure' I reassure him.

'Well Luke wants to talk to you' he says handing the phone to Luke.

'Hey Als' he say.

'Hey Luke'

'Are you feeling okay?'

'I'm fine'

'call me when your home okay I will speak to you probably' he whispers.

'Okay' I whispers back. I start laughing. I'm not sure why I think I have the giggles.

'What's so funny?' Luke says laughing with me.

'I don't know'

'Right well you get some sleep'

'I will'

'Alright sleep tight'

'Don't let the bed bugs bite' I finish. He hangs the phone up and I smile and lie back down. My cheeks red with a smile reaching my ears. The nurse came back and took the phone and let me sleep.


I wake up and the nurse was stood there waiting for me to wake up. 'How are you doing?'

'I'm better I think' I smile.

'Well we have your teacher to take you back to school' she says as my art teacher walks in. 'Don't worry you don't have to work today or tomorrow we just need you to get some rest' I nod my head and get out of the bed. 'And here is your stuff' she hands me my guitar that is broken at the bottom and the black box. I opened it seeing the note, the pick and my necklace. I took a sigh of relief and me and my art teacher went to her car and drove back to school. It's only a 10 minute drive. I stared out the window thinking of Luke and couldn't hold a conversation with miss.

When we got back to school I went up to my dorm. Everyone was in class so nobody could see me so I walked straight in and locked the door. I placed my guitar pick on the bedside table and walked into the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror and put my necklace back on. I looked at myself and checked my smile. To see if people could read it. Nope it seems like a smile.
I sit back on my bed with my guitar in my hands looking at the broken cord and the wood smashed. I start crying and I hold the guitar in my arms. I place it beside me and hold my legs and place my head in my knees as i cred into them.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now