Midnight thoughts

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It's currently 3am everyone is asleep and I am lay in the sleeping bag tossing and turning. Why can't I sleep! I'm so tired!

I get out of the sleeping bag and sit in the piano with the lid closed. I place my head down on it. My mind is blank so why can't I sleep. I get up and walk around trying not to make a noise. With my blanket hugging onto my shoulders. I sit down on Luke chair spinning around. And look around at the desk in the dark. I turn the lamp on facing it down so it isn't as bright. I look in the draws and see his journal.

I flip threw the pages. Nothing that i haven't seen. I read everything, every song lyric that I already know off by heart. I reach the black pages and filp in it one more time and see in small messy handwriting said, if the whole world was watching I'd sill dance with you. I read it and smiled. Is it about me? I continued to ask myself with a grin. No it won't be. But it might. It might! I read it again and flip the page again and pick up a pen and start writing. It's a small message for Luke when he next goes in his journal.

I place the journal back in the draw and turn the lamp. And it's pitch black again. I lay back in the sleeping bag and stare at Luke sleeping. He's so cute when he's asleep. I turn over looking at Reggie and see him in a ball in the sleeping bag. My eyes start feeling heavy and i drift of to sleep.

I land in a white room with only two red blocks in front of me. I walk over and sit on them and I start falling. I start falling threw space and it seemed never ending until I hit the floor landing in a ginormous field. An old man walks out of his house and lets me inside and gives me a cup of tea. I take a sip and pass out and wake up in a jail cell surrounded by murders as they held knifes up to my face as I walked back until I hit the wall. I look at the cell bars and see Alex being dragged by a police officer. I climb out of the cell threw the bars and run after him. They take him to a room and I run in and hugged Alex tight as I look up at him he gets shocked by lightning and he falls to the floor lifeless. I start crying and look around and see we are in a school and I shout for the ambulance running threw the halls. I see my mum stood at the end of the hall but she doesn't recognise me at all. She wasn't even trying to not know who I was. I turn around and see Luke running into a room with a gun. I follow him and a faceless man is stood facing me. Luke pulls Reggie out from behind him and breaks his neck. I scream and look at Luke as he disappears. I turn around and try to leave but the door shuts in front of me and I'm trapped in the same white room with the two red blocks.

I walk up to them and see a button on the wall and I press it. A screen appears on the wall and Bobby is sat looking and writing down my every move and the tall faceless figure walks in from behind him. The camera gets covered and all I hear is a scream and I sit on here crying. And Luke re appears in front of me I run to hug him but I go right threw him like he was a ghost. And he pulls out the gun and whispers 'I love you' BANG!

I jump up seeing I'm back in the studio and release it was just a dream. I was breathing heavily in relief and I felt my face and looked up to see the boys staring at me. I look back at them with a pale face.

'What?' I ask catching my breath with tears running down from my face as I wipe them away.

'What just happened?' Alex asks senselessly, 'you just stared crying and screaming for help'

'I-I had a dream where you all got killed except Luke' I stutter.

'Why is Luke the one that never dies?' Reggie jokes.

'How did we die?' Bobby asks, 'maybe it was a vision'

'Alex got struck by lightning, Reggie got his neck snapped, Bobby I'm not sure I couldn't see all I heard was screaming and Luke shout me in between the eyes' I mumble.

'Are you okay?' Luke asks putting his hand on mine. I nod my head, 'you know I wouldn't kill you unless you know something' he puts his finger to his mouth and shushes me. I giggle.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now