Booked a gig

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Graduation cap in the air as the cameras flashed around me. I wish I could be them up there back in school. I look over at Luke dodging his head to not be hit in the face by the flying hats. He looks at me and smiles as I sit down watching him leaning against a tree.

Once there graduation was over the boys ran over to me in there outfits. 'Looks like we're done' Reggie smiles and hugs me.

'Looks like you are' I smile back looking at the ground.

'What's up Alya?' Alex asks.

'Nothing I just wish I was going it with you' I admit.

'Here' Luke hands me his cap and pulls me up as he takes his gown off and places it on me. It was drowning me but I threw the cap in the air and hugged Luke.

'I can't believe it's been almost a year since we met' Bobby says sitting on the grass.

'It's crazy man' Alex says sitting next to him, 'but know we can fully focus on the band and not school'

I point at Alex to prove he has a point and sit down next to him with a smile still in Luke's gown.
We all sit there talking and I lie down placing my head on Luke's lap looking up at the clouds as he plays with my hair.

'What that?' I ask hearing a ringing.

'My phone' Luke pulls out his new phone. He recently got it for band calls, 'hello this is Luke from Sunset curve' I see him nod his head and a smile appear on his face so big it was touching his ears. 'We would love to, what tine again? Okay thank you' he puts the phone down as I sit up and face him.

'What was that?!' I ask in excitement.

'Oh we just booked a gig' he smirks trying to act cool.

'Where?' Alex asks.

'The Orpheum'

'No!' I shout.

'You know it'

I scream in excitement and hug Luke almost squishing him. I turn and hug the others as they all look as equally shocked. How did he get us in Orpheum?! Seriously it's always booked for gigs. 'How did you-'

'I will never reveal the information of the leader' he smirks as I roll my eyes.

'When is it for?' Reggie asks with an unbreakable smile.

'Friday night 9 to 10 we need to be there by 8'

'We're playing that Orpheum!' I shout out. I jump up and put the graduation cap on Luke's head and pull the others up, 'come on we only have 3 days to prepare'

'Coming princess' Luke smiles and walks after me in a row with the others as I wait for them to hurry up.


'Great practice guys!' I shout to them as I place my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath.

'We are going to smash the Orpheum' Bobby shouts back placing his guitar down and walking up to me as I give him a hug. Ew he's all sweaty well so am I but oh well.

'Well I need to get going' Bobby starts, 'I'll see you guys tomorrow at 7:30 for practice before opening night'

'Make sure to be there!' I shout at him.

'I will!' He shouts back running out of the studio leaving Luke, me, Alex and Reggie.

'I better get going too I better get some sleep before mum starts at me when she gets home' Alex smiles. I hug him tight and he walks out.

'Reggie?' I ask.

'Yeh' he reply's.

'Do you need to go?' I ask.

'No I don't think so' he thinks.

I roll my eyes and sit on the couch.

'What's up princess do you want some alone time with me?' Luke teases me leaning over to my face as I stare into his eyes. I can't ever escape or see my world with out them.

'You wish' I tease as he leans back sitting on the coffee table facing me not leaving my eye sight or breaking the stare.

'Sure' he smirks and breaks the eyes contact and looks at Reggie. 'Reggie go get some sleep while your dad isn't home before the shouting starts'

'Thats a good idea' Reggie smiles and walks to the door and waves goodbye and leaves.

'I just told him the exact same thing Alex is doing' Luke giggles. I smile my cheeks going red. I stand up and go to grab my blanket. As Luke stays sat down.

I walk back over with my blanket over my shoulders as I sit down cuddling up to it. 'Don't you look lonely' Luke giggles.

'This is why you have no friends' I giggle back trying to keep a straight face.

'Then what are you?' He smiles and stands up and bends down so we are head to head and stares at me again.

'I-I don't know then' I say blinking fast getting lost in his eyes.

'Exactly' he smirks and kiss's me in the right cheek with his soft lips and stands back up and walks to the door.

'W-where are you going?' I stutter.

'For a walk I'll be back soon dont you worry princess' he smirks and walks out leaving me alone. I place my fingers on my cheek where he kissed my cheek and went blood stained red and a smile fell upon my face as i relived the moment in my head.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now