Just me and you

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The next morning wake up to my mum bursting threw my door.

'Morning sweetheart' she says bring in my washing.

'Hi?' I question, 'why aren't you at work?'

'I took the day off to clean and hang out with you' she says as she comes and sits on my bed.

'Mum I can't hang out today maybe tonight after 5 but I'm busy this morning' I say feeling sorry for her but Luke is teaching me the guitar.

'What are you doing?'

'I'm hanging out with a f- friend' I say dragging the f.

'Is it a boy?' She says in excitement. I look around the room ignoring the question, 'what are you going to wear? What's his name? How do you know him?'

'Mum calm down' I say.

'I can't my baby is in love and is hanging out with him, what you doing?'

'Well his name is Luke and he goes to my school and is part of Alex's ban- and is in a few of Alex's classes and that's how we meet and he is just teaching me stuff' I say I almost forgot that mum hates that band. Hold up did I just tell my mum I like Luke. Oh god! She squeals, 'mum I'm going to get dressed can you leave?'

'Of corse sweet heart' she says leaving and I see Alex outside the door and I could tell he was listening in and mum shoved him out of her way. He walks in and shuts the door behind him.

'So that's what I wanted to talk to you about' he says leaning against the door.

'Talk about what?' I panic.

'Was that song about Luke and you can't really say you don't like him because you just told mum' he says bluntly.

'Fine' I drag out, 'I like him and that was about him'

'New it' he points out, 'why didn't you tell me?'

'Because you said I can't date your friends' I answer.

'It's okay don't worry about it I think he likes you to' he confesses walking up to my bed.


'Have you not seen the way he looks at you-' I think he just released what he just said, 'anyways forgot I said that'

'Okay,' I laugh, 'promise not to tell?'



I get to the studio and see Luke sat on his couch strumming his guitar out of boredom. As he put the guitar down I quietly place mine down next to the door and then in and jump on Luke scaring the life out of him.

'WHAT THE!' Luke shouts as jumps off knocking me off him and I fall on the floor laughing, 'sorry' he starts laughing. I sit up and look at Luke. He puts his hand out to help me up and I grab it and sit on the couch next to him, 'you ready to learn?'

I get up and grab my guitar and sit back down as Luke puts his over his shoulder.

'Show me what you know already'

I start showing Luke what I can do and he laughs as he shows me how to play it properly. I he puts his hand on mine and moves it on the right cord. I look up at him and his eyes sparkle as he looks back at me.


A few hours passed and Alex walks in, 'hey Alya we should get going mum wants you'

'Alright' me and Luke both stand up and I hug him tight, 'thanks' I walk out with Alex waving back at Luke. 'What does mum want?'

'Im not sure she just shouted at me to go and get you I think she's taking you out to dinner because she was getting dressed up with dad' Alex says looking at the ground.

'If we are I'm forcing them to take you or I'm not going' I say putting my arm over his shoulder. He gives me a fake smile and we walk home in silence.

We walk in and mum and dad are dressed up and are sitting on the couch.

'Alya go get dressed and we are something nice' our dad shouts from the couch.

'Why where are we going?' I ask walking towards them as Alex heads upstairs.

'Me, you and your dad are going out for dinner' mum smiles.

'What about Alex?' I ask in frustration.

'He will not be going to the family dinner' mum says firmly.

'Why not?' I start, 'he's apart of the family he deserves to join us'

'He threw that privilege away when he chose the band and being gay he is beyond this family!' Dad shouts at me as he stand up to try and scare me.

'He did not!' I shout back squaring up to dad, 'he is your son! He is my brother! Is that not enough for you!'

'Alya!' My mum buts in, 'we will not be spoken to like that, know go get dressed'

'You know what if he isn't coming nether am I!' I walk away.

'Alya!' My dad shouts.

I walk back over to prove a point, 'I'm part of the band as well so stick that threw your thick sculls!' I stand watching them stay silent in shock of what I just said. I walked upstairs to Alex's room. 'Hey' I say sitting next to him.

He hugs he tight and sniffs, 'thank you'

'Don't worry about it,' he lets go and I wipe his tears with my sleeve, 'they don't deserve you' he smiles at me and I smile back.

I stayed in Alex's room that night comforting him as our parents still went out for dinner.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now