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A few days had passed since the incident. I didn't tell anyone else because the nurse was right no one will believe me. I stayed in my room and only went to certain classes. I miss cheer practice 3 times and lay in bed watching the clock. I didn't call Luke and he never called me and that hurt.

'Alya I know your in there!' I hear someone shout on the other side of the door. She continues to knock so I got out of bed and opened the door and it was Jess. No one else it was just Jess. 'Hi'

'What do you want?' I ask in a tired voice.

'Wow you look a mess' she admits.

'I know I-I'm not well' I lie.

'Oh well I hope you get better but I'm afraid if you doing attend cheer tomorrow then you will be kicked off the team'

'Okay thanks for telling me'

'No problem' she smiles and walks off. Jess isn't even that bad it's the others. I close the door and lay back in bed and curl up in a ball missing my brother who hadn't called me in 4 days. I need him. I close my eyes and end up drifting off to sleep.

I jump awake due to a dream of me falling into a black hole. I sit up and look around the room and take a deep breath. I know what I need to do. I stand on my bed and take everything of my shelves and pack all my things into my suit case. I place my guitar over my shoulders and put my photo and guitar pick in my bag along with the menu. I put my bag to the side as I write a note and place it on my bed and go to leave the room. The phone starts to ring so I let go of my suitcase as walk over to the phone.

'Hi?' I say down the phone with no emotion.

'Alya!' I hear Luke shout down to he phone.

'What?' I ask. I'm not in the mood you didn't call when I needed you the most.

'What's wrong with you?'

'Nothing what's wrong I'm busy'

'Well just wanted to say I'm so excited to see you ok the weekend I can't call tomorrow because we have a gig but see you on Saturday?'


'Great see you there'

I hang the phone up and burst into tears. I can't tell weather it's because I lied to Luke or I'm leaving Abbie. I still have my doubts about molly because non of this would have happened if she didn't let Ruby in our room.

I open the door and look back at my room and step out and start walking out of the hell I have been living in for 2 weeks. Not long I know but I can't take it there anymore. I walk up to a small shop and around 10 minutes away and walk in. I look around and buy some food.

'Are you okay kid?' The casher asks me.

'Not really' I admit.

'What's wrong?'

'I want my brother' I sob.

'Where is he?'

'In LA'

'Oh why are you over here then?'

'I'm supposed to be at school be I left because I can't stay there'

'Well' he turn around and looks at the phone.

'Please don't call them!'

'I won't' he turns back around to me, 'do you have anywhere to stay?' I shake my head. 'Well I have an offer'

I shoot my head up and look at him, 'yeh'

'If you help me run this place we're low on staff you can sleep here'


'Yeh well until you can go home, which is?'

'Around the Halloween holidays'

'That's fine then'

'Thank you so much' I jump in excitement.

He take me into this small room, 'this is your room not much but it's private'

'I can not thank you enough' I say walking in. It's a small room under the stairs but it fits a bed and a table. I put my stuff down and he gives me a tour of the shop and lets me unpack my stuff.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now