In denial

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We walked into the party and it was packed. I immediately grabbed Luke's arm and he looks at me confused.

'What's wrong?' He asks concerned.

I whisper and drop my head to the floor, 'I just don't do well around massive crowds it makes me feel uneasy'

'Don't worry you'll be alright' Luke says as he grabs my hand and we try and find my brother. We walk all over the house and finally find Alex. He has to be the furthest away.

'Hey Alya!' Alex shouts so we can hear him over the music.

'Hey!' I shout back still holding onto Luke's arm. I see Caroline walking towards me so I give her a wave as she pulls me aside.

'Was that they guys you like?' She asks.

'No I don't like him, and his name is Luke.' I reply getting fed up with these accusations I don't like him right?

'Okay what ever you say, but when are they playing?'

'When ever you want'

'Can they play know?'

'Yeh let me tell them' I walk over to the boys, 'are you guys ready to perform?'

'You know we are' Reggie says as he puts out his hand I give him a high five and they walk over to there instruments that are already plugged in.

Caroline walks up to the band and shouts into the microphone, 'we have a sunset curve with us tonight!' Everyone turns to her and cheers.

'Tell your friends' Reggie adds.

They start playing and I look over at Alex smiling at me asCaroline walks up to me, 'he's cute'

'Who?' I ask.

'The lead singer, what's his name Liam?'

'Luke' I correct her.

'Yeh that, so you don't like him at all?'

'N-no, not at all' I answer with hesitation. Caroline just smiled and turned back to the boys playing. I locked eyes with Luke's hazel eyes and he smiles at me as if were the only ones in the room and as if he's sing to me. My cheeks go red but I don't think anyone noticed.

They finished playing and everyone was clapping and especially me. Caroline walks up and says, 'glad you all enjoyed this is sunset curve!' She smiles into the crowed then turns to Luke and grabs his top and pulls him to her and kisses him.

What?! I felt my face drop as tears came rushing down my face. I ran into the bathroom trying to wipe my tears away. I look in the mirror and smile at myself but start crying again. Why would she do that to me? I know I said I didn't like him because I don't but he's my best friend. Why am I crying? It's not like I care it's his life, I shouldn't care why do I care?!

I hear the door trying to be open. 'Sorry someone's in here!' I shout trying to clear my throat.

'I know,' I hear a familiar voice from the opposite side of the door, 'open the door Alya'

I open the door and guess who's there. Luke. Great way to make it worse. 'What do you want?'

He walks in and shuts the door behind him, 'I'm so sorry I didn't want that to happen'

'Right well it still did'

'I know but-'

'Luke you didn't even pull away,' I interrupt, 'why do I even care it's your life?' I walk out the bathroom leaving him alone.

'Alya!' Alex shouts trying to catch up to me. I ignore him and continue walking to the door. 'Alya what's wrong?' He stops me in my tracks.

'Did you not see what just happened?' I say tears still falling on my red stained cheeks.

'Yeh, but why would you care? You don't like him' Alex asks.

'Y-yeh but that's supposed to be my friend and she goes and kisses him no problem' I cry, 'Alex just let me go home!'

'Alya!' Luke shouts from behind me.

'I have nothing to say to you she's my best friend!' I shout. Well ex best friend but she doesn't know that.

'Alya, please I'm sorry'

'I'm going for a walk,' I say waking to the door, 'i'll be back in 20'

I run off and find an empty park so I sit on the swing and pull my journal out my bag and start writing. I felt better after writing my feelings down and I headed back to the party so Alex doesn't worry about me. I got back and Luke was sat at the door waiting for me. He knows I walk in and he immediately got up. I stand next to him trying to find Alex as a slow song comes in.

'Alya?' Luke asks

'What!' I snap

'Dance with me?' He asks putting his hand out giving me his puppy dog eyes I can't resist. I grabbed his hand and smirk and he pulls me onto the dance floor. And he gently puts his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck avoiding his eyes. 'Alya, I promise you I don't like her I don't know what happened'

I look into his eyes and smile and dance in silence. He spins me around and it felt like everything was going in slow motion. I don't know where Luke learned to dance but he's actually really good. He spins me again and quickly pulls me back in and dips me and my head flings back and the music ends and he pulls me back up. Oh great a head rush and struggle to find my grip and fall onto Luke's chest and he holds me until I got my balance.

'Where did you learn to dance?' I ask.

'That's a secret' he says putting his finger to his lips.

Finally Falling Hard /Luke Patterson X Alya Mercer/ Julie and the phantoms   Where stories live. Discover now