『 Ten- Blood 』

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『 Ten- Blood 』

! warnings: harmful / rude words and sexual assault towards the end !

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

! warnings: harmful / rude words and sexual assault towards the end !

be careful, and please stay safe.

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Athena let out a sigh of relief as soon as she heard the words. She was actually clear of all her charges, and she was going to be sent back to Hogwarts. The minister dismissed the room out, and slowly wizards and witches cleared out.

Athena got up from her seat and ran to her parents. In a split second she gave them the biggest hug she could afford. The two parents immediately hugged her back. Her mom stroked her hair and her father hugged her tightly. And just like that, they were finally family once again.

"I've missed you so much, sweetie." Her mother whispered into her ear, tears falling from her cheeks. Athena nodded into her shoulder, her eyes watery.

"I've missed you both so dearly, you don't understand."

"We're so glad you're back," her father pulled back, allowing her to hug her mother.

After a second they also pulled back from the hug. Athena wiped her tears and chuckled, "You two look amazing." Even they both grew. Her mother had shorter hair and her father grew out a short beard.

"So do you," Her mother replied, cupping her face softly. "You've grown so much. I hate that I couldn't be there to see it."

Athena shook her head, "It wasn't either one of your faults." She whispered, looking into both of their eyes. "I should have been more careful." The thought of them blaming themselves... she couldn't deal.

"Yes," Her father said, placing his hand on her shoulder. "You should have. But we know you did what you did for a reason, and we'll never underestimate you."

Athena smiled softly, nodding her head. "I'm sorry for being so reckless." She says. "I wasn't thinking properly that night..."

"Don't apologize," Her mother says to her reassuringly. "Although we lost you for some point in time, we are just glad to have you back. Next time anything like that happens though, please tell someone." She tells her.

ineffable - sirius black¹Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora