『 Two- Prank 』

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『 Two- Prank 』

『 Two- Prank 』

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"Wake her up you idiot!"

"No you do it! you know how she gets if i wake her up."

"Remus would you just wake her up."

"No, i'm not getting in the middle of this."

That is the typical morning in the marauders dorm room. One thing the marauders all learned from Athena ever since she bunked with them was that she was not a morning person. no matter how hard you tried to wake her up, she will not get up. Yet somehow, she was never late class or breakfast.

"Can you idiots be any louder?" she huffed as she pulled the covers over her head. 

"Well it woke you up didn't it? now get up, come on. we got stuff to do." James pleaded.

She groaned and brought down the sheets just so she could see the clock ticking 5am on their dorm room wall. "Why in the bloody hell are you all awake at 5 in the morning?! more specifically why are you waking me up!"

"Have you forgotten? it's the first day back, it's our tradition to play a prank on everyone. you wound me athena windgrave, how dare you forget us." sirius gasped dramatically as he placed his hand over his heart.

"Screw our tradition, i need SLEEP!" she yelled as she turned to her side in hopes of falling asleep again.

Remus sighed, "athena i'm awake at 5am and i will not be going back to sleep anytime soon. so please get up so we can use our time wisely."

"NO!" a muffled sound came out of her sheets as the boys groaned loudly.

The dorm room fell silent. athena quickly became suspicious at how quiet the boys had become, but not wanting to give in so easily she ignored it and tried to fall back asleep.

In a swift motion, athena felt her bed sheets getting ripped off of her at once and cold water being poured on her face. she wiped her eyes and came face to face with the smug smirks of sirius and james, while remus and peter quickly escaped the dorm room before things got worse.


 James and Sirius looked at each other with wide realizing what they had caused and quickly said, "THATSWHATYOUGETFORNOTWAKINGUPNOWGETREADYWENEEDTOPREPAREOURPRANK" and soon after bolted out of the room and slamming the door as they left.

ineffable - sirius black¹Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant