『Thirteen- Potters』

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『Thirteen- Potters』

『Thirteen- Potters』

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After the conversation with her father, Athena decided to drop it completely since she knew she wouldn't get anywhere with it. But, this didn't mean she was going to completely drop the idea. It was Christmas Eve and she decided to go over to James' house while her parents were out shopping for gifts for the small Christmas get together.

"It can't be a coincidence, right? They both know who she is and she reached out to me first, she plays a big role in this and I'm going to find out why." Athena was sitting on James' bedroom floor alongside James, Sirius, and Remus. She was eating some muggle chocolate candy her mother hand laying around.

She had explained the situation to the boys already so they were caught up on everything. But, unfortunately for Athena, they didn't back her up like she wanted them to. "Dunno," Remus took some chocolate, "seems sketchy to me."

"Definitely," James agreed with the boy. "I think we should get to the bottom of this but not like this... definitely weird."

Athena slumped back against Prongs' bed, sighing loudly. "They think that by telling me to drop it that I actually will. I mean, you know me, I'm not going to drop it until I find out exactly what's going."

"That's exactly why they are telling you to drop it, love." Sirius shrugged. "You're too stubborn. Let it go, we can worry about this later. It's Christmas!"

"Shut up Padfoot," Athena rolled her eyes. The boy was right, she was stubborn. And maybe there were times where she was too stubborn, but right now was not that time. There is no way she can just let this go when she's this deep in. "I think you should trust me, which is why I've decided to meet with her."

The two boys erupted when she said that sentence as they started arguing and telling her she's lost her mind. Meanwhile, Remus sat there sharing the chocolate with the girl. "There's no way, absolutely not!" James said, waving the finger at the girl.

"Are you insane? It could be a death eater for gods sake!"

"Yeah, it could be a trick! It could be a trap that you're falling in right now. You do realize Voldemort knows you're not dead, right?"

Sirius agreed with the boy, "Exactly. What if you get kidnapped?"

"Even worse, what if they use you for information and find out I'm a stag and then they go hunting for every stag ever?"

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