『 Twenty One- Rings 』

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『 Twenty One- Rings 』

『 Twenty One- Rings 』

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"So I need to distract everyone tonight? Why?"

"You do know what day it is, right?"

"Yes, it's Sirius' birthday. But I don't get what for?"

"Because I need to give him his gift."

"And you need me to distract everyone... why?"

"So that they won't interfere with my gift... giving?"

"Okay so now you're confused."

"No, you're confusing me!"

"I am not! What if I can't distract them?"

Athena pursed her lips and put her hands on her hips as she stared down the blonde. "Marls, come on. You and I both know you could."

Marlene's frown disappeared, a smirk replacing it. "I know, I just wanted to hear you say it."

"I hate you."

"You love me."

Athena rolled her eyes and began to walk faster than Marlene down a corridor. "You got this Marls! I've got to do something but please do it, for me!" She yelled down the corridor as she ran down towards the Black lake.

"Only because you chose me over Lily!" Marlene yelled back as she turned around and ran back to the common room.

Athena smiled to herself as she walked towards the lake, where it was peaceful and quiet. For Sirius' birthday she wanted to do something special. Although it wasn't much, it was the most she could offer for now. Maybe once they leave hogwarts she could do something more extravagant. As she stared out at the lake, the sun shining down on it, she thought about what she could. She didn't actually plan anything out, although she should have.

She stood there, the wind breezing, thinking about what Sirius would enjoy. She clutched onto her jacket harder as her hands shook slightly. Something she knew about Sirius was that he loved the night sky. The sky lit something inside him that she couldn't figure out.

That night that he had apologized to her, he was up in the astronomy tower looking out at the stars. It wasn't anything surprising, though, Sirius always had an obsession with stars. Perhaps it was because his family was named after stars.

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