『 Eighteen- Power 』

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『 Eighteen- Power 』

『 Eighteen- Power 』

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Athena felt like she was drowning. The darkness that surrounded her suffocating her, pulling her under. She heard the screams of pain around her. She felt death. Her skin shivered at the cold breeze she felt. She closed her eyes for a few seconds before opening them up again. She was in a dark room. Actually... it wasn't a room. she was surrounded my complete darkness. The only thing with light was her steps. She lit up the darkness each step she took. It felt like she was walking on water. There was dripping sounds everywhere. She looked around but couldn't find anything. She was in her normal school attire. Her hair faded more than usual.

"Hello?" she called out to the darkness, only to find her echo answering back to her. As she counted to walk, she seemed to notice that she wasn't getting anywhere. It was darkness surrounding her... forever.

Every where she went was just darkness. She felt heavy. Her head was pounding every step she took. She was alone.

She was alone in this black abyss. She had no one to help her. She then decided to run. Maybe there's a chance that at the end of the surface there was nothing. And that maybe she could jump into that nothing. So she ran. She ran as fast as she could, her hair blowing back. Her ragged breath louder than before. No matter how fast she ran or how much she ran, she seemed to be getting no where.

Athena stopped and collapsed to the ground. Her breathing becoming heavy, but slowly going back to its normal pace. As she laid on the ground, she realized that the ground wasn't wet at all. Odd.

She closed her eyes and let herself go back to normal. She wouldn't panic because she knew this was all a dream. This would all disappear soon and she would be back at Hogwarts with her friends. She will get to see her friends she longed for. Everything was going to be okay. Everything was going to be-

Athena snapped her eyes open and stood up in a second. She felt a presence near that she didn't want to feel. It was cold... distant. Unloving. She started to feel her heartbeat increase as she heard wet footsteps near her. If they weren't in front of her — or beside her — that only meant they were —

"Behind you. Quite clever." a cold voice answered her.

No. No no no no no. She's heard that voice before. She knows where it's from. "Well, I'd be upset if you didn't recognize me." The voice said.

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