『 Seventeen- Talk 』

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『 Seventeen- Talk 』

『 Seventeen- Talk 』

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There sat Sirius in Dumbledores office, his leg shaking slightly. He was upset at himself. If anything had happened to Athena, it would have been his fault. He did notice that Athena had been gone a while. He was getting ready to go look for her but clearly, he was too late. He was so late that Athena was now in the hospital wing. A good friend wouldn't let there friend wander off when there's something off about them. This infuriated him more. Why didn't he say anything? The moment she walked into the dorm room that morning, he knew something off. She didn't talk as much, she kept touching her rings, and she kept tugging at her sweater. Obviously something was wrong. But why didn't he say anything?

The friends all sat in the office silently, waiting for Dumbledore to speak. Adela had joined in as well, even thought they didn't know her. Dumbledore had a stern look on his face. Usually he was amused and always had a twinkle in his eye that no one could quite figure out, but this time, he didn't. He seemed... concerned. Concerned for Athena. That was not good. That was not good at all. If Dumbledore was worried, then things were not good. "Adela," Dumbledore spoke, breaking Sirius out of his thoughts. "seeing as though you aren't particularly close to Ms Windgrave, I must unfortunately ask you to step out of the room. It is for Athena to decide whether or not she trusts you with this information."

Sirius watched how Adela nodded her head with a sincere smile. "Of course, Professor." She said softly. She stood up from the chair and grabbed her items, making her way towards the door.

"Thank you," Dumbledore said.

Adela turned around and sent him a smile. They all knew the thank you wasn't for understanding, but for bringing Athena to the hospital wing. Otherwise, who knows if Athena would be okay.

Once Adela left the room and shut the door behind her, Dumbledore cleared his throat. "You are all here because Athena trusts you, so, I do as well. This information cannot be shared with anyone, do you understand?" All of them nodded, their faces filled with concerned. "Very well," he said. "Lets begin."

"To start, Athena began taking sessions with me to learn about Occlumency. Occlumency is useful for young witches and wizards willing to fight in the war. This allows them to keep any intruder out of their heads. Athena is a seer, as we know. Her visions are useful to us, but not to them." Them. Dumbledore didn't even need to clarify who, them, was. They all knew who he was talking about. "Using Occlumency allows her to block people out of her mind. Unfortunately though, Athena did not use this to her advantage. What occurred today... was a sign that Voldemort is trying to get in her head. Without the use of Occlumency...  he almost succeeded."

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