State of Mind

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I glanced over at him and could see him trying to search for the right words to say. It felt so wrong to be right sometimes. I couldn't blame him you know? If I was as good-looking as Taehyung I probably would have girls lined up trying to get a chance with me. But I won't be one of those girls. I can't put myself through that hurt again.

"Forget I said anything Tae. You don't owe me an explanation." I waved off the question with a hand and just focused on the second round of meat that was being placed in front of us by the waiter.

Looking over to my left I could feel eyes on me and saw Jungkook studying me. Even with my eyes directly trained on his, his never wavered, he only stared harder it felt like. I tried giving him a courtesy smile but Jungkook's dark eyes radiated a fierce, uncompromising intelligence. I looked down and saw the bottle of soju by his side like it was attached to him and put two and two together.

He was obviously drunk.

"Kookie if you keep staring your eyes might get stuck." Jimin voiced waving his hand in front of the statue of a man which seemed to do the trick. While I don't mind the flattery, I did grow uncomfortable. It was like he was trying to stare past my skin, down to my soul, and everywhere else. I've never seen him like this before, not even in his white girl wasted moments.

"It wasn't like he was staring at anything good." Jin flipped his hair which made me roll my eyes at his ego.

"I was." He confessed sliding his twinkling gaze over to mines and I blushed then sank into my seat. I couldn't see all that was happening on the other side of the table but I did know that there were stares and it was coming from the man that sat next to me.

"You're awfully quiet Tae." Hobi brought up grabbing everyone's focus on him. He was rather quiet since I shut down the conversation. I was starting to feel a bit bad, maybe I came off as rude and unapproachable. I didn't want to be seen that way.

"There's not much to say, you all seem like a close family."

"That's because we've known each other since high school," Jin said with a wave of his finger.

"Yeah but since we're in the same department and class we might as well get to know each other," Namjoon added, shrugging a shoulder and looked around the table. Everyone nodded in agreement and I silently did the same.

Taehyung smiled brightly like he was just invited to sit at the cool kids' table but for me, it felt the opposite. I felt like I was the lucky one sitting next to such a man. "I'm fine with that."

"How about we play a game?" Mina beamed as her head shot up from laying on Jimin's shoulder and her hand was raised to bring attention to her. "We could play that game we always use to do as kids."

"If you're talking about that drinking game forget it," I responded. "The last time that happen I ended up in a pool with no clothes on." Taehyung's eyes were glued to me and I could see from my peripheral that he was smirking. That little bastard.

"That, I would love to have seen." He whispered gently in my ear and I almost spit my drink out my nose. I squirmed in my seat and he brushed a hand on my thigh stopping my movements. Lord, strick me down, please. I don't even know this man.

"Well first of all that was because we were drinking whatever Namjoon's dad had in his secret stash. Who knew it was Absinthe." She shrugged like it was something that could be pushed under the rug. If I remembered anything that day it would be how fucked up, and I mean fucked up everyone was. I couldn't even go to school for three days straight because the hangover was a killer.

And Mina wants to sit there with that dainty expression on her face like she wasn't the one we had to stop from trying to jump off a balcony multiple times. All because of that damn question and answer game. "If we do actually play this game we're gonna need someone whos a referee, someone that could stay at least tipsy while everybody else plays."

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