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"Come here oppa, I am waiting for you." Jungkook said seductively, wearing his loosened silk robe and his smooth toned leg visible from the slit of the robe as he was almost half laying on his bed.

"Coming baby." Taehyung said coming out of the bathroom with towel wrapped around his waist, his hair dripping wet.

He walked towards the bed with a slight smirk and hovered over Jungkook.

He leaned in to capture Jungkook's lips, one of his hands uniting his robe. "Aah! oppa.." Jungkook whimpered when Taehyung started sucking his bottom lips.

"Darling, you have a very pretty voice!" Taehyung whispered against Jungkook's lips, he was so much in love with Jungkook's moans.

"Now let's wake up baby.
Jungkookie, lets-Wake up baby!"

"Huh..oppa what happened?"

"Wake up!"

"Jungkook! you son of bitch, wake up!" The pink haired male shouted
and stared shaking Jungkook.

"Oppaaa..." Jungkook whined and pouted, who was sound asleep in the middle of the class.

He shot open his eyes when he heard loud laughter which probably was directed towards him, he looked around at his classmates laughing their hearts out.

"Alright class, shut up!" Jungkook's teacher, Mr. Choi banged the duster on the table twice but the students still won't stop laughing and teasing Jungkook.

Jungkook on the other hand had his eyes wide open due to very weird and not so innocent dream he just had about he boy who was sitting at the first bench why the heck did I have such dream about that stupid nerd, I had never even talked with him. He thought glancing over at the class president and rolling his eyes afterwards.

The class president,Kim Taehyung he had blonde hair, he didn't really seem to care an inch about the incident that happened neither was he laughing like the others rather just had furrowed eyebrows as the class were wasting so much time they could have spent on studying.

"Alright s-"Mr. Choi could not finish his sentence when the bell rang. He sighed and said, "OK that is it make sure to do your homework and don't daydream in the classes." He said the last line looking at Jungkook who just scoffed at him.

After Mr. Choi left Jimin smacked Jungkook's head.
"Ouch! What was that for Jimin the freak!" Jungkook shouted annoyed at his best friend as he was already in so much dilemma because of the weird ass dream.

"Lmao bitch, who is your oPpA?" Jimin mocked him trying hard not to laugh at his best friend's embarrassing incident.

Jungkook as he was staring  continously into nothingness said ,"Jimin, I just saw a very strange and cringy dream."
He sounded very normal, or maybe he was too shocked to react shockingly.

"Was is about me making out with... umm..him?" Jimin said and an looked down with a slight smile and slightest of blush on his peachy cheeks.

"I am serious Jimin, you know that boy, Taehyung?"

"Yes what about him?" Jimin said with a saddened voice as it was not about him and his crush grabbing a water bottle.

"He was going to fuck me."

"Ok-wait WHAT?" Jimin choked on the water he was drinking.

"I know right, I was on the bed wearing a robe and called him 'oppa' and then he came out of bathroom in towel around his waist and started to kiss me,  eww so cringe, I would never ever do that with a guy, specially that stupid geek." Jungkook said and make a face that showed his disgust.

"Oh..My...God! Jungkook you had a wet dream about the  classpresident. " Jimin said and started laughing way too hard that he fell off the chair and water spilled on his face.

"Shut up Jimin, it's not like you could control your dreams." Jungkook said and twitched his eyebrows "I am not gay, and definitely not a bottom!" He shouted as he was trying to convince..... himself?

He glanced over at Taehyung who was reading a book, Jungkook rolled his eyes and said, "I don't think that he even knows how to kiss, everytime I see him he is always studying, he even has friends like himself, I can't even imagine dating someone like him."

Before Jimin could reply to Jungkook, "Jungkook!" Lina, one of Jungkook's many girlfriends grunted.

Ugh! what is she doing here now "Hey baby." Jungkook said with a voice sweeter than honey.

"Don't baby me Jungkook! what were you doing with Jessica?" She shouted furiously gaining everyone's attention in the class including Taehyung.

"Babe we were just talking!" He tried defending himself.

"So eating each other's face is now called talking!" She blurted out "Fuck off Jungkook!" She slapped his face and walked away stomping her heals.

"What?" Jungkook said looking at his classmates.

Everyone just went back to their buisness because this was Jungkook's everyday drama.

Jungkook didn't care about them but what caught his attention was that Taehyung glanced over at him.
Jungkook and Taehyung's eyes met for a second before Taehyung turned around after rolling his eyes at Jungkook making Jungkook scoff at his act.

"You see that Jimin, he even has an attitude!" Jungkook said glaring and pouting angrily at Taehyung's back, who now went back to reading his book, he grabbed Jimin's hand and dashed out of classroom.
"Wait where are we going" Jimin asked.
"To nurse's offices, duh!"

"Hey Taehyung!" Taehyung's friend Namjoon said sitting on the seat beside Taehyung. "Hi Namjoon, did you prepare for the test?"Taehyung asked looking up from his book. "Yes but I forgot to revise the last chapter, I hope there are less questions from last chapter." Namjoon replied and sighed.


"Aah Jimin be gentle!" Jungkook groaned at Jimin who was putting ice compress at his now swollen cheeks.

"Why do you keep playing around Jungkook, it'd be better if you just either brake up with all or just be with the one you truly love." Jimin said sighing.

"Well I just can't, you know it has become a habit now" Jungkook shrugged.

"Well then continue getting slapp-"

"Hey Jungkook I've got a dare for you!" Yoongi said slamming the door open.

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