Chapter 2

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Less than 24hours had passed since the strange encounter on the boardwalk but things were already beginning to get weird in Santa Carla.

I had been lucky enough to gain employment in two different restaurants, it seemed waitresses were in short supply in this town. My predecessor at 'Le Olive' had vanished without so much as a resignation letter to management, so the owner Mr Fredrickson had been quick to accept my services with an immediate start. The restaurant was a nice little establishment, cosy but modern. With an elaborate French menu to choose from, this was definitely not your average Santa Carla spread by any means.
I'd just finished giving an elderly couple their bill when I spotted Michael through the large front windows. His mop of brown hair bouncing with each step as he chased a pretty young woman in a flowing skirt, my brother was a romantic at heart and despite the recent divorce saga Mike still truly believed in love at first sight. He was like a puppy trailing after her. I shook my head at the ridiculous notion and made my way behind the counter cutting both love birds from view.
Ringing up the payment on the register I realized that the customers had given a substantial tip. Too much in my opinion, they had obviously miss read the bill. I hadn't done anything to deserve this amount, so making up my mind I turned back towards there table, but they were gone. Gosh the older generation could be really sneaky when they wanted to be. Opening the glass door in hopes to locate them, I managed one foot over the threshold before stopping dead in my tracks as my muscles went rigid.
All at once an overwhelming feeling of dread filled my stomach when four sets of eyes found my frozen form. Like statues they sat mounted on their bikes only a block away. We stared at each other for what felt like eternity before one of them finally moved. The rock star blond gave me an approving nod after giving me a once over, an involuntary shiver ran up my spine. The feeling was foreign as pink started dusting my cheeks, I wished it was outrage causing it, but I wasn't that naive. The others turned back to him with knowing expressions before tearing off with a deafening rumble into the crowd.
They knew something I didn't, and it scared the hell out of me.
"Emily, table five needs their drink order taken" I turned back to find the busy establishment unaffected by the time laps in my mind.
"Of course, I'll get right on it Mr Fredrickson" I prayed that Michael was far enough away to avoid any interactions with that particular group. The last thing I needed was him joining a gang and falling even further off the train tracks.


The next afternoon brought with it more stress, having just completing a day shift at 'Le Olive' I was already exhausted because I hadn't slept much through the night. Michael hadn't come home until the early hours of the morning and Mom and I had been worried sick. When I arrived home my brothers were arguing with each other, something that was becoming all too familiar since the split.
"Come on Em," Michael groaned, "I have to go meet someone at the boardwalk."
Sam started up as well, he wasn't happy with the plan, but he was still young at 15 and I didn't want him alone at night either, "I don't need a baby sitter". He threw his hands up animatedly, it was a sight to see given his choice of clothing today. I gave him a smile, knowing how hard everything had been for him, just like the rest of us he was struggling to start a new in this town.
"Mike, I can't stay. I've got to go back to work. And I know you don't need a baby sitter Sammy, Mom's just trying to keep you safe". She tended to overthink things when it came to safe grading her children, but it was all done out of love and Michael was going to have to man up and stay home for a change. There was no way I was missing my first shift at the diner, our new situation meant that we needed the money and I was determined to help any way I could.
"We've only been here for three days, I'm sure that one night together wont kilI you". Stuffing the last of my PB & J sandwich in my mouth I headed for the door dressed in my uniform. This one wasn't as modest as my other outfit, but it covered the essentials I suppose. I turned back to the boys "Just. for once, let Mom have a fun night. Ok? No breaking anything!" Sam nodded vigorously but Michael avoided eye contact with me.
Sighing heavily, I set of in my little dinged up beetle, the dying embers of the sun shining uncomfortably in my rear-view mirror. Those boys will be the death of me, I swear.
Darkness had crept up over the horizon bringing with it the nightlife that Santa Carla was famous for. The diner was packed, and I was learning on the job. A few minutes of vague training by the gossiping waitresses and I was sent on my way. Thank goodness I had previous experience or I would have drowned in the sea of orders. I was about to head back out through the kitchen doors when I spotted four familiar bikers sitting in a booth in my corner of the diner, they seemed to be in a playful mood as two of them where practically wrestling in the seats. I let the doors flop closed again as I clutched the jug of hot coffee close to my chest. Bree, a fellow waitress, flew through the kitchen entrance almost causing me to spill the hot liquid over myself.
"Bree!" I pleaded in a squeak. "Can you please take table number 9, I… I'll clean half your section tonight, just please, this once!"
She looked at me like I was insane, then her eyes travelled through the little round window and a huge grin spread over her face.
"Sure Hun, I'll take the hunks on table 9," leaving me with a wink she set off with her note pad. Holding my breath, I watched her from a safe distance as her body language changed, she pushed her chest out as she leaned on their table. Before long she returned with an agitated frown.
"What's wrong?" I asked concern lacing my voice.
"They want you to serve them" she spat out, flipped her hair angrily like I was the one who had done something wrong. Bree left me there to freak out on my own. What was I meant to do now? I couldn't not serve them, I would lose my job.
With my heart beating a million miles an hour I took a deep breath to try and clear the blood rushing to my head. Determination set in and the fear melded into the background as I plastered my best customer service smile on. Pushing the door open I headed for their table careful to put one foot in front of the other. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this!

"Hi there. Welcome to Carla's Diner. Can I take your order?"

I hope you guys are enjoying the story. I've got this up on the as well.
Thanks for reading
Disclaimer- I don't own the lost boys.

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